Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Three Major Causes of Sleep Deprivation

Let's look at some of the causes of sleep deprivation Lifestyle Being fatigued and losing sleep are often a direct result of how you live your life.
Drink caffeine or alcohol right before going to bed is one of the primary causes of sleep deprivation.
So is working in shifts, because it alters your normal circadian rhythm patterns.
If you can pinpoint lifestyle choices that affect your sleep, you can then decide what you need to change.
One thing you can do is keep a sleep diary.
Record all the details of both good and bad sleep.
Include the date, the foods you at during the day, the times you ate, whether you got exercise, and any type of stress you faced during the day, to name a few.
Medication Medication is another one of the major causes of sleep deprivation.
It can also interfere with a person's natural rhythms.
And people will often take medication to try to cure their insomnia, but this is a bad idea.
Sleeping pills interfere with one's natural body patterns, they can bring on lots of side effects, and they lose their effectiveness over time.
They do nothing to cure your insomnia.
Medical Conditions Health problems you are suffering from are another of the major causes of sleep deprivation.
These can either be physical or mental.
Pain is the problem we most commonly see, especially in those who suffer from arthritis.
But mental conditions, such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can cause insomnia.

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