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What Do You Call Dick Cheney Shooting a Lawyer

A Good Start! Now that is one great American, leading by example.
Indeed it was great to see he shot the Lawyer in the foot so he could not sneak or slither away.
Unfortunately as Vice President Cheney moved in to finish him off, someone else noticed and he had to stop.
But it is the thought that counts.
Why is it that it takes such great leaders to do what everyone has longed to do their entire lives? If everyone in real man in America took out one Lawyer hunting each year, why we would be rid of the whole lot of those boilerplate, word smithing, professional parasites in no time.
Just think of it no more lawyers.
And hell if you shoot em' how can they sue you, just be sure to wait until no one else is around and hey? It was an accident you see.
There is no greater hero in my book than Vice President Dick Cheney for taking that lawyer out there an pumping him full of bird shot.
Boy oh boy had it been me, I surely would have taken credit for it also.
It is good to see that the Vice President is one of us after all.
Good man indeed.
If anything comes of this the President ought to pardon him right away and give him the Presidential Metal of honor for his duty to country to help us rid the World of all these damn lawyers.
Just think with all the lawyers gone they cannot run for public office either; heck we would have this Nation cleaned up once and for all.
The slogan could be; "Shoot em', shovel em' and shut up!" Consider this in 2006.

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