Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

What Can I Eat on the Raw Food Diet? Some Suggestions

When you are looking into the possibility to go onto a raw food diet for health or weight loss reasons, one of the first questions that come up are: What can I eat on the raw food diet? You first think you only have to cut out all cooked meals.
But soon you realize, that many food items that you are eating cold have been processed or were heated while preparation, like bread or cold meats.
A raw food diet only allows unprocessed and uncooked food which means that food choices or meals differ quite a bit from the civilized way of eating that we are used to.
So quite naturally, you start asking yourself what can I eat on a raw food diet? Well, let's simply forget about our traditional way to prepare meals and have a look what and how wild animals are eating.
Wild animals all look uniform and are full of energy and they need to be this way to survive.
They eat what mother nature put onto their dish: grasses, vegetables, berries, fruits, nuts and seeds.
And, yes, meat, but raw and uncooked! This all now sounds quite extreme for losing a few pounds of weight, but there are actually a lot of delicious food choices left, in case you are still asking "What can I eat on the raw food diet?", here are some examples: breakfast: cut up a few fruits or add berries if in season, add some yogurt and honey, mix and enjoy! snack: have some nuts as a snack or eat yogurt with some almond flakes lunch: grate some carrots and apples, add raisins and nuts.
Squeeze a lemon and add the juice, add some honey and a bit of cold-pressed oil - enjoy! snack: juice a few vegetables or fruits, my preference is again apples plus carrots, this is very tasty and filling! dinner: have a big plate of salad prepared with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, sprouts, avocado and you may even add some cheese if you are not totally vegan.
If these foods still sound very "green" to you, the good news is that you are considered to be on raw food diet as long as 75% of your food is raw, so there is some space to here and there having something else.
If you want to go on this healthy diet because of health reasons, vegetable juices and sprouts as a super food must be emphasized.
If weight loss is your primary reason, you may want to start slowly with introducing raw foods into your meal plans as otherwise you risk to give up on your raw food diet soon, because it is so different from what you are used to eat.
However, if you do a less extreme version of the raw food diet, like simply starting to change certain meals to raw foods, like breakfast and lunch, this may be all the help you need to loose a few extra pounds.
This way you are changing your eating habits slowly and permanently allowing an automated pain free way to lose weight.
So, don't ask yourself any more "What can I eat on the raw food diet?", go and start adding those raw foods to your meals and enjoy the benefits!

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