Two Diets You May Have Never Heard Of
It is predicted that obesity will be America's greatest health problem in the years to come.
One of the reasons for this is that every socioeconomic group is at risk.
It doesn't matter how much money you make, whether you're male or female, whether you are young or old, all segments of society are susceptible to obesity.
As a result of this, the weight-loss industry has grown and there are several diets on the market that say they can help people lose weight.
The majority of diets on the market are relatively safe and won't harm you.
However, because it is your body you should understand what you are about to do to it.
Therefore it's a good idea to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of any diet you plan to try.
Ironically enough, one diet could cause one person to lose weight while causing another person to gain weight.
Likewise, one diet could be healthy for one person but cause another person harm.
Approach any new diet with caution.
Understand how you are different from others.
And do not think that you are abnormal because you react differently than other people do.
As you look for an unorthodox dieting strategy be sure to investigate carefully whether or not the diet poses a health or safety risk to you.
Coming in at a close second, of course, is whether or not the diet is actually helping you lose weight.
One unorthodox diet you can try: The three hour diet is a diet based on human evolution and development.
Some evolutionists believe that when the body seemed to feel that there was a famine coming it attempted to prepare by storing excess fat.
If the body felt like there was plenty of food then it didn't seem to need to store fat and therefore would simply burn it off.
Further study seemed to indicate that three hours was the trip point.
That is, if the body doesn't get food within three hours from its last feeding it will think there is a famine coming in therefore start to store fat.
On the other hand, if a body gets food at least every three hours it will think that there is no famine on the rise in and therefore is simply burn off all excess fat above and beyond what it needs.
Eating a good small meal every three hours does not seem to harmful.
This is a decent on Orthodox diet.
Here is what a bad one looks like.
There have been reports of young children dying from malnutrition after being put on a vegan diet.
Vegan diets are not inherently bad.
They can be very good if you know what you are doing.
The human being has eaten meat for most of its evolutionary development.
Therefore, nobody expects it.
For example, vitamin B12 and vitamin D are to essential nutrients that the body requires.
Vitamin B 12 is found in animal products, such as meat and milk.
Vitamin D we get from sunlight.
However sunlight is not always available or it may be we work in an office building all day.
If you are going to eat a vegan diet be sure to talk to an expert to make sure that you stay healthy.
One of the reasons for this is that every socioeconomic group is at risk.
It doesn't matter how much money you make, whether you're male or female, whether you are young or old, all segments of society are susceptible to obesity.
As a result of this, the weight-loss industry has grown and there are several diets on the market that say they can help people lose weight.
The majority of diets on the market are relatively safe and won't harm you.
However, because it is your body you should understand what you are about to do to it.
Therefore it's a good idea to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of any diet you plan to try.
Ironically enough, one diet could cause one person to lose weight while causing another person to gain weight.
Likewise, one diet could be healthy for one person but cause another person harm.
Approach any new diet with caution.
Understand how you are different from others.
And do not think that you are abnormal because you react differently than other people do.
As you look for an unorthodox dieting strategy be sure to investigate carefully whether or not the diet poses a health or safety risk to you.
Coming in at a close second, of course, is whether or not the diet is actually helping you lose weight.
One unorthodox diet you can try: The three hour diet is a diet based on human evolution and development.
Some evolutionists believe that when the body seemed to feel that there was a famine coming it attempted to prepare by storing excess fat.
If the body felt like there was plenty of food then it didn't seem to need to store fat and therefore would simply burn it off.
Further study seemed to indicate that three hours was the trip point.
That is, if the body doesn't get food within three hours from its last feeding it will think there is a famine coming in therefore start to store fat.
On the other hand, if a body gets food at least every three hours it will think that there is no famine on the rise in and therefore is simply burn off all excess fat above and beyond what it needs.
Eating a good small meal every three hours does not seem to harmful.
This is a decent on Orthodox diet.
Here is what a bad one looks like.
There have been reports of young children dying from malnutrition after being put on a vegan diet.
Vegan diets are not inherently bad.
They can be very good if you know what you are doing.
The human being has eaten meat for most of its evolutionary development.
Therefore, nobody expects it.
For example, vitamin B12 and vitamin D are to essential nutrients that the body requires.
Vitamin B 12 is found in animal products, such as meat and milk.
Vitamin D we get from sunlight.
However sunlight is not always available or it may be we work in an office building all day.
If you are going to eat a vegan diet be sure to talk to an expert to make sure that you stay healthy.