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4 Lawn Care Tips - How to Keep Your Lawn Green and Healthy

Here you will find 4 important lawn care tips which will help to keep the grass healthy and green.
Watering is vital.
As to how much you should water, that's dependent on a number of factors, such as the type of soil, the kind of grass the lawn is composed of, and of course the time of year.
During summer, most lawns will need around an inch of water each week to keep them green and healthy.
It's better to water in the early morning, since watering at night can encourage fungal growth, and doing it in the heat of the day will result in much of the water evaporating.
If you give the grass a good watering twice a week, rather than doing it more often, but with less water, you will encourage the grass to put down deep roots and improve its overall health.
All plants need food, and your lawn is no exception.
Nitrogen and phosphate are the two most essential things your grass needs, and there are many preparations on the market which contain these two elements in chemical form.
For a good organic option, use bone meal as the source of phosphate (around 2 or 3 ounces per square yard).
As for nitrogen, many people recommend leaving the grass clippings on the lawn every second cut.
When the clippings decompose, nitrogen is slowly released into the soil, forming a great natural fertilizer.
The biggest mistake people make is mowing their lawns too short.
Although it's tempting to cut shorter so you don't have to mow so often, you can seriously damage the grass with this approach.
As a rule, you should cut the grass to a height of about 2 to 3 inches in spring and fall, and 2.
5 to 3.
5 inches during the summer.
This will result in optimum grass growth, whilst reducing the appearance of weeds.
Often neglected, aerating your lawn by putting holes through the surface, is a simple way of improving the health of the grass.
It allows water and fertilizer to seep into the soil easily and lets your lawn breathe.
There are several ways you can perform the aeration: manually by poking holes using a garden fork, or even by walking on the lawn with spiked shoes; or by using a specialized lawn aerator.
Regular lawn maintenance can be a chore, but the results are well worth the effort.
Keeping to a regular schedule of proper watering, feeding, aerating and mowing, will keep your lawn green and healthy and prevent future problems which may take much more effort and expense to rectify.

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