Home & Garden Gardening

Prodibio Supplements And Carbon Dosing In Your Home Aquarium

For many years aquarists ignored the use of so called additives that increased growth and color in your corals. Most of which stuck to the basics, addition of calcium and alkalinity or magnesium. Although today the game is a bit different and with technology in our hobby getting better every day there are now products on the market I wouldnt suggest any aquarium hobbiest go without. One of which is prodibio, this is a new flagship product that is hitting the market hard and becoming very popular fast.

Prodibio goal is to combine science with aquaculture and biotechnology to create one of the most unique products we have seen on the market. Each ampoule that comes in these unique packages is packed in nitrogen to provide excellent product stability which almost gives it no shelf life. Every mirco organism used is tested for quality in the labs using stringent bio chemical tests to ensure a high quality batch every time.

Prodibio Bio DIGEST

Bio Digest is composed primarily to increase the performance of your denitrifying bacteria by adding the strains that perform that exact job.

Prodibio goes as far as making sure that these strains contain no genetic deformations while creating them. Each strains DNA is tested for compatibility and efficiency in salt and fresh water.
Essentially Bio Digest converts ammonia-nitrites and nitrites to harmless nitrates in which your protein skimmer can remove. Each ampoule contains over 20 billion bacteria and is 100% effective when needed.

Prodibio Bio CLEAN

One of the more unique products that utilizes 2 different Prodibio supplements to provide an algae cleaning and prevention additive.

Bio Digest provides the denitrifying bacteria for biological filtration to digest waste matter which aids in the formation of algae.

BioTrace is a concentration of trace elements to speed up the biological activity within the aquarium by around 10 times thus not allowing algae to build up or grow.


In my experience Reef Booster is one of the most popular products in the lineup and works very well for any serious reef keeper wanting some nice color in their corals.

Reef Booster is a complete nutrient supplement which feeds and develops invertebrates including corals with Zooxanthelles. Each ampoule contains a super high saturation of polyunsaturated fatty acid which all marine organisms need to thrive. This supplement can also be added to your fish food to make it more appetizing to finicky eaters.

Prodibio IODI+

For any soft coral lover Prodibio came out with a super high concentrated iodine supplement. Iodine helps combat coral bleaching and is very important in the coloration of corals. Each ampoule contains over 76mg of iodine.

Prodibio BIOPTIM

Another one of the most popular products in the line, Bioptim provides yet another great way to reduce nitrates while adding essential amino acids and natural vitamins your aquarium would otherwise be lacking. I recommend this supplement to any reefer.

Prodibio BioKit Reef

And for the prodibio beginner to try out each of the products there is always the all-in-one Biokit Reef. This package comes with 5 BioDigest, 5 Reef Booster, 5 Bio Trace, 5 Iodi+, and 10 Stronti+. This package may be great for anyone wishing to try out the line then purchase products based on your need.

In essence many additives are becoming very complex and actually coming close to recreating what we see in nature. I highly suggest any serious reef keeper invest in products such as these as they make our lives much easier and provide an environment your animals can thrive in and not just survive.

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