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Golf GPS Systems - Are They a Benefit or a Hindrance to Your Golf Game

More and more these days you see Golf Courses popping up with GPS systems built into the Golf Cart. I come from the old school and have always been one to pace off distances. Being one who likes to walk the golf course, this was never a problem.

Not too long ago I played a round at a new course, so I had no knowledge of the course. On this particular day, we used a golf cart that had a GPS system [] on board. It took a minute or two to understand how to use the system, but we got the hang of it and headed out.

On the first hole when we pulled up to the tee, there on the screen was a complete layout of the hole. I wasn't sure I was going to like using the GPS system [] until I saw all the information it provided. It marked distances to sand traps, hazards and the layout of the green. There was so much information, I couldn't believe it. The screen even showed us where the carts were located on the course.

I was impressed and became very comfortable with this new tool very quickly. I found that it was easier to choose which club to play and it also sped up our round. It got me to thinking about the technology and whether it was good or bad for the game. My conclusion was that it was a benefit and I look forward to using GPS more in future rounds.

The thing that really tickled me about the experience didn't actually come to mind until watching the pros play on TV. I guess it never really dawned on me until I saw Tiger and his caddie pull out their yardage books. Here they were pacing off yardage and reviewing their books on the course. It was then that I realized that the GPS system was like having a professional caddie with yardage book in hand right at your finger tips.

With so many different makes and models, that will require doing my homework before making a decision on purchasing one.

If you are considering adding a Handheld GPS system [] to your bag, be sure to consider:

* Features

* Ease of Use

* Number of Courses installed

* Number of Courses that can be stored

* Ease of adding new courses

* Membership requirements, if any

* Warranty

* Price

No matter what you can afford there is a system that will fit your budget. The more expensive ones may have more features, but the less expensive ones will still give you the added benefit of knowing your distances.

One thing is sure, if you know what club you need to reach the flag, your scores will definitely improve.

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