Health & Medical Men's Health

Want a Bigger Penis? The 5 Secrets to Legitimate Penis Enlarging

Many guys want a bigger penis.
It is a very natural desire and having a bigger penis does have numerous benefits.
You look more impressive to your locker room mates.
Your confidence increases with women.
You can in fact provide greater pleasure during sex with larger manhood.
The penis enlargement industry knows the vast amount of males who desire larger size.
Most of their products, be it pills or pumps, either don't work or can be too risky to even consider.
What you won't hear about from "the industry" are the various legitimate ways to enlarge your size.
Let's go through five of them.
The 5 secrets for legitimate penis enlarging:
  1. You already are bigger than you think.
    If you haven't tried it already, then get out an electric razor or even a pair of scissors and start shaving, or trimming, your pubic hair.
    Especially get rid of the hair around the base of your penis.
    Now take a look in the mirror.
    Guaranteed you will appear much larger than before the pubic hair shave or trim.
    If you notice male adult film performers, almost all of them are shaved, and this is exactly the reason why.
    It enhances the visual size of the penis.
  2. The penis varies in size throughout the day.
    Some days you will look at your member and be shocked at how small it is.
    And other times you will notice that you really are not that small.
    But in your head, the time that you saw your member as small will be what mentally remains.
    The truth is that the penis does vary in size.
    Most of the time it is scrunched up inside a pair of underwear and it naturally adapts to a smaller shape.
    When it is more loose and free it will elongate more.
    And that's the key.
    If you can wear boxers that is best for "freeing up your penis".
    Allowing it to stretch out and not be all scrunched up inside a pair of underpants.
  3. Every guy looks at his penis and views it smaller than it really is.
    There is an actual reason for this.
    When you look at your penis, you usually are looking down.
    Viewing it from this vantage point makes it appear smaller than it really is.
    Take any type of object and try it.
    Hold it below your waist, tilt it down and forward, and then look down.
    Now take that same object and hold it in front of you, or view it from the side.
    Looks bigger right? So next time you want to get a visual measurement of your size, look in a mirror or hold a hand mirror down there, rather than just staring down and getting an inaccurate visual of your size.
  4. Stretching the penis out for just a few seconds will make it bigger.
    This trick is so simple that it should be used all the time, but I rarely hear about guys employing this technique.
    If you want an instant penis size increase, say right before you are going to have sex, or if you are in the locker room about to hit the showers, simply take your penis and gently stretch it out and hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    Then repeat one or two times.
    This stretches out the tissue and you will become longer without becoming erect.
  5. Exercising or "jelqing" can work for permanent size gains if you can be consistent.
    There's always been some skepticism over penis exercises like jelqing which are designed to increase your size permanently.
    On the other hand there have been an enormous amount of guys who have reported positive results.
    The catch is that it often took them at least 3 or 4 months to see results and they had to be consistent in doing the exercises.
    Jelqing is an all natural exercise that you perform with just your hands, and it can work, but you have to be both patient and consistent.

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