Internet Marketing - The Right Way to Use Social Media For Marketing
Online internet marking is a normal occurrence but there is a problem...
too many people go out online today and start pushing and cramming their products down people's throats.
Just look at Twitter and Facebook, you get inundated with ad, after ad, after ad, telling you to join their business, sell their product, they are the "real deal" so you just have to join them! Now, some of that is OK because, after all, most of you are in a business but you must earn the right.
The question is, do you know how to earn that right? If you don't then pay attention: One rule of thumb that I have always gone by and stick to 98% of the time is that for every ad I put out on those accounts I have a few things I must do and that I suggest you do as well: Internet Marketing on Twitter:
They are not sites to just scream at the top of your lungs: "I am here!" "This is what I do!" "You have to join me!" "I do it better!" "My products the best!" Because after reading those...
how much do you know about who I am? Did you just shut your brain off to what I was saying? Most likely...
Yes! Well, that is what your followers and friends are doing when they read your ads time and time again! Learn to use your social media tools the right way for marketing and you will have people wanting to talk to you, get to know you, and they will start looking at your business or products.
You will learn to get them to chase you, ask you what your business is about, and you will not have to be annoying to get that response.
Remember that people do not buy the business...
they buy you.
too many people go out online today and start pushing and cramming their products down people's throats.
Just look at Twitter and Facebook, you get inundated with ad, after ad, after ad, telling you to join their business, sell their product, they are the "real deal" so you just have to join them! Now, some of that is OK because, after all, most of you are in a business but you must earn the right.
The question is, do you know how to earn that right? If you don't then pay attention: One rule of thumb that I have always gone by and stick to 98% of the time is that for every ad I put out on those accounts I have a few things I must do and that I suggest you do as well: Internet Marketing on Twitter:
- Put out one article of value (be it one of yours or one you have read and found useful)
- Give inspiration through quotes you find true, entertaining, or useful pieces of advice
- Talk (DM, RT, or Reply) to at least 5 people, after all, this is Social Media
- Try to lighten the mood and throw out something to make people smile occasionally...
whats the use of a day if you can't make someone chuckle a little right? (be careful with you jokes and make sure they are appropriate for the audience)
- Do most of what you did with Twitter, only do not put out a whole lot of ads here...
more blog posts, videos, and articles - Talk with more people because Facebook known better for relationship building
- Play a few games (Pillow fight is my favorite) and show people you can have fun as well...
just don't get caught up and set a time limit.
They are not sites to just scream at the top of your lungs: "I am here!" "This is what I do!" "You have to join me!" "I do it better!" "My products the best!" Because after reading those...
how much do you know about who I am? Did you just shut your brain off to what I was saying? Most likely...
Yes! Well, that is what your followers and friends are doing when they read your ads time and time again! Learn to use your social media tools the right way for marketing and you will have people wanting to talk to you, get to know you, and they will start looking at your business or products.
You will learn to get them to chase you, ask you what your business is about, and you will not have to be annoying to get that response.
Remember that people do not buy the business...
they buy you.