Family & Relationships Weddings

Cute Ideas for a Farm Birthday Party

    Old MacDonald's Farm

    • One of the oldest children's songs, "Old MacDonald's Farm," is also one of children's favorites. Nearly every child will immediately recognize the refrain: E-I-E-I-O. Planning a party around this song is a great way of including all children, even the youngest, in the fun. Decorate with hay bales and pictures of animals and barnyards. Have children, especially if they are young, bring their favorite stuffed animals so that the group can construct their own Old MacDonald's farm. Above all, don't forget to leave plenty of time for a sing-along.

    Petting Zoo

    • This party theme, while one of the most exciting for children, also requires the most adult supervision; one adult for every two children is best, while if children are two years old or younger, one adult per child should be the ratio. However, with this supervision in place, a trip to a local petting zoo makes for an exciting and unique birthday party. Children can pet cats and dogs, feed goats, and see other animals in a farm-like habitat. If you live in a rural area, far from a local zoo, a trip to an actual farm can be an equally exciting option; call around, search online, and see which local farms would be open to providing a safe and friendly environment for your child's party.

    Barnyard Costumes

    • A barnyard costume party is a way to make children more excited about a farm birthday. Children should come in costume as their favorite farm animal: chickens, cows, ducks and so on. Decorations can be similar to those of an "Old MacDonald" party, with one big difference: here, the farm is constructed of the children themselves. Make sure to take plenty of pictures, and quiz the children on the sounds that their special animals make.

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