How to attract what you really want
1Do you want, money, a job, a new car, a new house you can have it if you follow these simple steps. First stop focusing on what you don't want. If you ask people what type of car they would want, most people will tell us all about the things in the car they don't want. Ex. Someone might say I don't want a car with low gas mileage, and I don't like big cars. This is the wrong thought pattern to use when going after what you want.
If you are trying to get ahead financially stop worrying yourself silly over bills. If you want to get a car you can't afford come up with a way to afford it. We all are blessed with a mind and imagination so there is no limit to what you can do. We let what we can't do stop us. But we actually can do allot more than we think if come up with creative ways to do things.
Stop using negative words in our language. We say all the time things cost too much. If we wanted a $200. purse and we didn't have the funds to purchase it all we would have to do is set aside some money every month until we had what we needed.
We need to set goals plan them out with time lines and dates. Visualize ourselves accomplishing the goals we wrote out. Even take pictures of what you want or cut out pictures in magazines of our set goal. place them where we can see them every day. At night before we go to bed we should spend about 15 minutes in silence visualising ourselves accomplishing our goals.