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How to Get Out of the Himalayas on "Poptropica"

    • 1). Walk to the right from the footprint in the snow found at the top of the Himalayas. Drop down the ledge when you reach it and you will land on top of the temple roof.

    • 2). Walk left on the roof and drop down for a soft landing in the snow. Continue left, drop down the ledge and then walk right before going down the next ledge. You will end up near the front entrance of the temple.

    • 3). Walk to the left until you see a ladder leading down. Move your mouse cursor over it until the words "Go Down" appears, then left-click.

    • 4). Walk to the right until you are over the bridge and climb down the rope hanging at the end. Continue to the right and jump down the next ledge where you'll see some tents.

    • 5). Walk to the left until you reach the ledge and drop down before continuing to the right. At the far right of the path you'll find your helicopter. Move your mouse cursor over the helicopter until the words "Take Off" appears and then left-click. You will now be able to get out of the Himalayas.

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