Health & Medical Medicine

Hajj Vaccinations Get Ready for the Religious Journey

Going on a pilgrimage has been an age-old tradition in almost all religions. For Muslims, a trip to the holy city of Mecca is a dream and obligation they live by. The pious journey they take is popular and known worldwide as Hajj. To fulfill this religious responsibility, the followers of Islam have to travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This holy trip is the biggest conglomeration that displays the support and interest of people towards a common faith. It is their will of submission to the almighty Allah.

The trip of faith and love toward their God starts on the twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar. Millions of people all over the world carry this religious duty every year. Since the condition under which the pilgrimage occurs is prone to take a toll on peoples' health, the Saudi Government has implemented the Hajj Vaccinations programme for pilgrims coming from the UK. It is compulsory for all who wish to come to the holy city in order to receive their visas.

Hajj vaccinations should be done at least a month before the start of the trip. Any GP can perform the precautionary act at his/her clinic. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) also works in association with thousands of agencies that provide vaccination facilities all over the UK. Thousands of pharmacies also participate in this activity. Pilgrims can have the vaccines in community centres and mosques as well. Getting immunized yourself against common diseases is not expensive. In addition, the MCB takes all necessary steps to help the community going for Hajj, and to make vaccinations affordable.

If you are in the UK and wish to travel for Hajj, it is mandatory for you to have the Meningitis ACWY vaccine. It is a common vaccination done prior to travelling to other countries. Getting a shot of this vaccine helps you from bacteria causing meningitis such as A, C, W135, and Y. Every single GP in the UK uses this vaccine. If you are being treated by your GP for other medical conditions, ensure that you obtain a prescription along with a letter so that you face no problems carrying your medicines during the pilgrimage.

There are several types of Hajj Vaccinations. For complete information, you can contact the Saudi Authorities or the Embassy, or the Hajj tour operator, for the latest requirements may change at short notice. It will also depend on the conditions prevailing in the country. For example, when there was an epidemic outbreak of Swine Flu a couple of years ago, it was compulsory to be immunised against this disease. So be ready to expect changes in the requirements at short notice.

There are also hospitals in central London that deal with tropical diseases. You can obtain relevant and complete information about the vaccinations needed if you search on Google. There is information on all types of countries you wish to travel to. On a personal note, we would advise you to protect yourself as much as possible by consulting your GP.

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