Getting Organized to Decorate Your House For the Holidays
It is never too early to start preparing for the Christmas season.
When you wait too long you run the risk of stores getting sold out of all the best and more popular stuff.
As each month brings us closer to December and the ensuing chaos of what the holiday season brings, many of us begin to feel an increasing amount of stress from deciding what gifts to give, where to go and how we are going to decorate the house.
Decorating your house for Christmas can be an overwhelming and lengthy task but you can make it a little less stressful by being more organized.
There are wreaths that need to be hung, Christmas Trees that need to be set up, Christmas Villages laid out well, lights and stockings hung and the list goes on and on.
Even when you know what needs to be done you sometimes don't know where to start or don't have everything you need to do so.
Start with the basics.
Make a list of all the things you need to do and if possible where you have those things stored.
As you go through the process of unpacking your Christmas decorations check which lights work and which ornaments need new hooks.
Keep a piece of paper and pen next to you and you can write out what you need as you go along.
This way you can take your list to the store and this can help you have fewer visits.
I also find it easier to things this way instead of waiting till you have the lights hung on the house to see if a light bulb needs to be changed.
It is a lot easier to change them before you get it hung up on the house! If you have lived in the same house for a long time you probably have a routine and know where things go.
Another tip that won't help you so much this year but will help you next year is to take a picture of how you decorated things or where you put it.
Than when it comes time to get the decorations out you can look at the pictures and easily set it up the way you liked it.
This is particularly handy if you set up Christmas Villages and want to know where certain items go and where you like them placed.
Before you let the holidays stress you out too much just take it one step at a time.
Taking a few extra minutes by organizing or documenting different things this year will help make next year much easier.
When you wait too long you run the risk of stores getting sold out of all the best and more popular stuff.
As each month brings us closer to December and the ensuing chaos of what the holiday season brings, many of us begin to feel an increasing amount of stress from deciding what gifts to give, where to go and how we are going to decorate the house.
Decorating your house for Christmas can be an overwhelming and lengthy task but you can make it a little less stressful by being more organized.
There are wreaths that need to be hung, Christmas Trees that need to be set up, Christmas Villages laid out well, lights and stockings hung and the list goes on and on.
Even when you know what needs to be done you sometimes don't know where to start or don't have everything you need to do so.
Start with the basics.
Make a list of all the things you need to do and if possible where you have those things stored.
As you go through the process of unpacking your Christmas decorations check which lights work and which ornaments need new hooks.
Keep a piece of paper and pen next to you and you can write out what you need as you go along.
This way you can take your list to the store and this can help you have fewer visits.
I also find it easier to things this way instead of waiting till you have the lights hung on the house to see if a light bulb needs to be changed.
It is a lot easier to change them before you get it hung up on the house! If you have lived in the same house for a long time you probably have a routine and know where things go.
Another tip that won't help you so much this year but will help you next year is to take a picture of how you decorated things or where you put it.
Than when it comes time to get the decorations out you can look at the pictures and easily set it up the way you liked it.
This is particularly handy if you set up Christmas Villages and want to know where certain items go and where you like them placed.
Before you let the holidays stress you out too much just take it one step at a time.
Taking a few extra minutes by organizing or documenting different things this year will help make next year much easier.