Health & Medical Yoga

How is Yoga Helpful in the Treatment of Constipation?

Yoga is an ancient art which helps in keeping away from all kinds of ailments and diseases.
There are specific yogasanas for your particular body part.
People are getting more towards the yoga because there are many benefits from the yogic asanas.
Some of the benefits are bringing down stress and enhancing the power of relaxation.
Yoga is a physical exercise which helps to boosts physical strength, stamina as well as flexibility.
Yoga is very much therapeutic and so it has immense physical benefits.
To be very exact yoga means to 'to yoke', 'to join' or 'to put together'.
There are many yogic positions which are helpful for treating each and every treatment of your body.
And it is with this yoga which is also acting as a very good treatment for yoga.
There are few ancient yogic art which really helps in combating the symptoms of constipation.
When you are suffering from chronic constipation there are many yoga poses which are beneficial in alleviating any kind of constipation problem.
Certain advantageous poses are 'The Bow pose' in which the torso and legs represent the body of the bow whereas the arms represent the strings.
So, this pose looks like an archer's bow when it is done by the person.
'The Shoulder stand' is another yoga pose which is helpful in constipation.
In this pose you have to stand with your shoulder's support and your legs are up in the air.
There are other yoga poses like 'The Peacock Pose', 'The Abdominal Pose', as well as the Breathing exercises which are always helpful for your body as well as the constipation problem.
These poses which are mentioned above especially targets the abdominal region of body and thus helps in relieving constipation.
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