Anahata Or the Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra.
It is called the Anahata which means unstruck.
In the beginning there was the power of the "word" (shabdbrahman), which is the point of creation.
Being the middle chakra in a system of seven, the Anahata or "Unstruck Sound" is that place where the spiritual meets the physical - the spirit descends to manifest in the physical while matter rises to go to the spiritual plane.
It is considered to be the Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of Time.
The Heart Chakra is found in the chest and is related to the thymus which is an element of the immune system and also a part of the endocrine system.
T-cells that fend off disease are produced and matured in this site however it can be adversely affected by stress.
The colors green or pink are related to this chakra.
The Anahata or Heart Chakra encompasses complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well being.
It also mediates between higher and lower planes of being, sense of time and the area of relationships in our lives.
Likewise, it governs the following: circulation for the physical aspect, unconditional love for self and others in relation to the emotions, passion on the mental aspect, and devotion for the spiritual plane.
Considering that it integrates opposites in the psyche like male and female, light and shadow, mind and body, practicality and spirituality, there is a need for us to balance all these aspects of existence.
We need to fully open our Heart Chakra in order to love deeply, feel compassion and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
An imbalance in this Chakra results to immune system or heart problems and inability to express love and show compassion.
Through Anahata Chakra, we become aware of our karma or life's action.
Knowing that an energetic imbalance creates a continuous feeling of dissatisfaction, we need to seek balance in everything and even between the sexes, races and within our Self so as to achieve equilibrium.
New Age movements and literature show an increased focus on spirituality with less inclination towards material pursuits.
Anahata Chakra is very much concerned with the notion of Sudharma (apt or right religion), good tendencies, and the planes of sanctity, balance, and fragrance.
Because of the belief that purgatory can be experienced in Anahata Chakra, there is a need to enact only good karma in order to achieve clarity of conscience.
It is called the Anahata which means unstruck.
In the beginning there was the power of the "word" (shabdbrahman), which is the point of creation.
Being the middle chakra in a system of seven, the Anahata or "Unstruck Sound" is that place where the spiritual meets the physical - the spirit descends to manifest in the physical while matter rises to go to the spiritual plane.
It is considered to be the Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of Time.
The Heart Chakra is found in the chest and is related to the thymus which is an element of the immune system and also a part of the endocrine system.
T-cells that fend off disease are produced and matured in this site however it can be adversely affected by stress.
The colors green or pink are related to this chakra.
The Anahata or Heart Chakra encompasses complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well being.
It also mediates between higher and lower planes of being, sense of time and the area of relationships in our lives.
Likewise, it governs the following: circulation for the physical aspect, unconditional love for self and others in relation to the emotions, passion on the mental aspect, and devotion for the spiritual plane.
Considering that it integrates opposites in the psyche like male and female, light and shadow, mind and body, practicality and spirituality, there is a need for us to balance all these aspects of existence.
We need to fully open our Heart Chakra in order to love deeply, feel compassion and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
An imbalance in this Chakra results to immune system or heart problems and inability to express love and show compassion.
Through Anahata Chakra, we become aware of our karma or life's action.
Knowing that an energetic imbalance creates a continuous feeling of dissatisfaction, we need to seek balance in everything and even between the sexes, races and within our Self so as to achieve equilibrium.
New Age movements and literature show an increased focus on spirituality with less inclination towards material pursuits.
Anahata Chakra is very much concerned with the notion of Sudharma (apt or right religion), good tendencies, and the planes of sanctity, balance, and fragrance.
Because of the belief that purgatory can be experienced in Anahata Chakra, there is a need to enact only good karma in order to achieve clarity of conscience.