Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Tell if a Girl I'm Dating Doesn't Like Me

    • 1). Pay attention to how often she calls, texts, or emails you during the day. Women typically like to keep in contact throughout the day with their partners, either through sweet or sexy texts or quick check-in phone calls. If this isn't the norm, or communications have fallen off drastically, it might signal she's moving on emotionally.

    • 2). Discuss future plans and see how she responds. Mention a camping trip, a weekend getaway, or a concert a month down the road and gauge her interest. A non-committal response such as "I'm not sure what I'm doing" or "I'm playing it by ear" is not a good sign. Unless she has a hectic work or school schedule, if she likes you she'll be happy you asked her and leap at the chance to make plans.

    • 3). Watch her body language. Women often play with their hair, toss their heads, laugh emphatically and cross and uncross their legs repeatedly when they are interested in a man, according to Fran Greene, author of "The Flirting Bible." If she doesn't flirt with you or maintain eye contact, she's probably not engaging with you and might not care much whether you engage with her.

    • 4). Notice whether all your dates wind up being group outings. Women who are truly interested usually prefer romantic one-on-ones to large, boisterous affairs. The occasional party to show you off is one thing. Never getting time alone with her, however, probably means she's not interested in pursuing a more intimate relationship.

    • 5). Pull back. Don't call her for a day or two and see how she reacts. "...Both men and women must be careful not to react to their partner's uncertainty by pursuing too much," advises John Gray in "Mars and Venus on a Date: 5 Steps for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship." He adds, "A man who doesn't take this time to pull back can smother a woman by his insistent pursuit of her with promises of love." If she's into you, more than likely she'll call and tell you she's missed you or send you a sweet text or email.

    • 6). Ask her. While direct communication isn't always comfortable, it might yield the answer you're looking for much more quickly than trying to read between the lines.

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