Health & Medical Acne

Tri-Cyclen LO FAQ

    Is Tri-Cyclen LO Effective?

    • Clinical trials of Tri-Cyclen LO in the United States and Canada have proven that this method of birth control is extremely effective. Some medications may decrease the effectiveness of Tri-Cyclen LO, but in general, the pill is 99 percent effective.

    Are there Tri-Cyclen LO Side Effects?

    • Tri-Cyclen LO can be used successfully by most women, but there are some risks and side effects, according to the pill's product information sheet. Women on the pill have an increased risk for pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarcation, cerebral hemorrhage, hypertension, gallbladder disease, liver tumors and other related conditions. In addition, women on the pill may experience nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, irregular menstruation, migraines, jaundice, depression, weight changes and intolerance to carbohydrates. Overdosage can also cause adverse side effects, such as nausea and bleeding.

    How Do I TakeTri-Cyclen LO?

    • Unlike some kinds of birth control pills, it matters what pill you take on what day with Tri-Cyclen LO. The pill's monthly prescription comes with seven white pills, seven light-blue pills, seven dark-blue pills and seven green pills. The amount of hormones changes based on the day the pill is taken in relation to your ovulation cycle. The green pills, which are taken during the week of your period, do not contain any active hormones. You should start Tri-Cyclen LO on the day your doctor tells you to start and continue in the pattern given to you in the package without skipping a day.

    What are the Benefits to Tri-Cyclen LO?

    • Along with preventing pregnancy, there are other beneficial side effects to taking Tri-Cyclen LO. Many women experience decreased blood loss and anemia during menstruation, as well as more regularity in their cycles. This form of birth control has also been shown to decrease the chances of developing functional cysts in the ovaries, ectopic pregnancies, ovarian cancer, acute pelvic inflammatory disease and endometrial cancer.

    Can I Smoke While on Tri-Cyclen LO?

    • The pill's manufacturers encourage patients not to smoke while on the pill. Tri-Cyclen LO's risks for cardiovascular problems increase when the woman taking the pill smokes. In addition, heavy smoking or smoking in women over the age of 35 increases the risk of complications even further. So, while you can smoke without making Tri-Cyclen LO less effective, it can cause serious medical problems and you should try not to smoke while using the pill.

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