Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Getting Roof Repair Estimates

Is it time to think about getting the roof on your home repaired? Your roof may even have incurred hail or wind damage, which will earn you an insurance settlement to help with the cost of repairs. Whether you have to pay the entire bill yourself or will be just paying the deductible amount of the insurance policy, you will want to get the best quality for the most reasonable price.

There are so many companies in the roofing business today that it is hard to know which one to choose. It is a good idea to contact at least three companies for roof repair estimates so that you can compare them to determine which one would be the best for your job. You could get more estimates, but three should be sufficient. Ask for references, preferably some jobs that they have done in your area a few years ago. If their workmanship or materials are of poor quality, it might take a few years for that to become obvious.

Make sure their roof repair estimates include tearing off the old shingles and disposing of them, if that will be necessary. If there is only one layer of shingles on your roof, it may be possible to put the new ones on top of the old shingles, skipping the tear off and hauling away step. The estimates should include the cost of labor, separate from the cost of materials. It should include all necessary supplies, scope, when the job will be started and completed and a total price. Make sure each estimate lists the same type of shingles, since there is a wide variety of quality and styles from which to choose.

It is preferable to hire a local contractor for your job because he will be more likely to give high quality workmanship, since he lives in the area and will be available if you have any problems. If you contract with a company from miles away, would you be able to contact them again in case of a problem after a few months have gone by? That company may give a lower estimate, but you would need to be really sure they would do a satisfactory job, with good quality materials. Even a guarantee is not worth anything if you cant find the company in a few years. A local company, with local references that you can contact for yourself, would be the most satisfactory.

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