Heart up to Christ
It's not about us. It's not what we do. It's not our perfect record. It's not our good looks, our education, who we know -- it's all about him. But if anybody will open their heart up to Christ and let him dwell in them fully and richly and know who they are in him, it really does take the limits off your life as far as what God can do in you, to you, for you, and through you.
Mark: I like to say it this way: god will do things for you that you wouldn't do for yourself just because he's so good! One writer wrote it this way: there's no limit to God's goodness except his creature's capacity to receive it. So many times God wants to give us his love, his blessing, and yet, we don't receive it. Actually, even if somebody's trying to love you, if you won't receive it and you reject it, then you won't have it. We have to learn how to receive. Sometimes God has to expand us to receive his goodness, to believe that we are his children, that everything he has, if he gave us Jesus, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? So you can see God's constantly wanting to expand us towards his goodness. When I was a teenager, I was in church and I'd sit on the back row. I was in trouble a lot so I'd sit back there. I'd pray every once in a while. But then one Sunday a minister called me forward, so when he called me forward, I thought, "oh, my!" I hadn't been doing right and I thought, "oh, God's just gonna kill me!" instead, this minister started prophesying to me about the love of God, the goodness of God and the plan of God for my life. I started crying! I just broke down because of the mercy of God and the love of God -- that God, who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sin, he made us alive together in Christ.
Joyce: I think we just see everything that's wrong with us. And it's not that god doesn't see what's wrong with us but he sees the possibilities. I think we need to realize that there are all kinds of possibilities in Christ and that old things can pass away and all things become brand-new. We're new creatures in him and that means we have brand-new opportunities to learn how to think differently, act differently and talk differently. I want everybody today to just have a boatload full of hope that what god does for one, he will do for another. All they have to do is tap into the word of God, begin to believe it, put on that robe of righteousness, get a different mindset about themselves and just begin to go forward one step at a time, little by little, from glory to glory. God will give them not just a faith to believe for these things but an actual experience of these things manifesting in their life. We start by faith but that manifestation will come if we continue to press on. Joyce Meyer I want to thank you for being with us. I think you're very beneficial to our television audience, and I know you have a great ministry traveling all over the place, so thanks again for being with us.
Mark: I like to say it this way: god will do things for you that you wouldn't do for yourself just because he's so good! One writer wrote it this way: there's no limit to God's goodness except his creature's capacity to receive it. So many times God wants to give us his love, his blessing, and yet, we don't receive it. Actually, even if somebody's trying to love you, if you won't receive it and you reject it, then you won't have it. We have to learn how to receive. Sometimes God has to expand us to receive his goodness, to believe that we are his children, that everything he has, if he gave us Jesus, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? So you can see God's constantly wanting to expand us towards his goodness. When I was a teenager, I was in church and I'd sit on the back row. I was in trouble a lot so I'd sit back there. I'd pray every once in a while. But then one Sunday a minister called me forward, so when he called me forward, I thought, "oh, my!" I hadn't been doing right and I thought, "oh, God's just gonna kill me!" instead, this minister started prophesying to me about the love of God, the goodness of God and the plan of God for my life. I started crying! I just broke down because of the mercy of God and the love of God -- that God, who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sin, he made us alive together in Christ.
Joyce: I think we just see everything that's wrong with us. And it's not that god doesn't see what's wrong with us but he sees the possibilities. I think we need to realize that there are all kinds of possibilities in Christ and that old things can pass away and all things become brand-new. We're new creatures in him and that means we have brand-new opportunities to learn how to think differently, act differently and talk differently. I want everybody today to just have a boatload full of hope that what god does for one, he will do for another. All they have to do is tap into the word of God, begin to believe it, put on that robe of righteousness, get a different mindset about themselves and just begin to go forward one step at a time, little by little, from glory to glory. God will give them not just a faith to believe for these things but an actual experience of these things manifesting in their life. We start by faith but that manifestation will come if we continue to press on. Joyce Meyer I want to thank you for being with us. I think you're very beneficial to our television audience, and I know you have a great ministry traveling all over the place, so thanks again for being with us.