Technology Electronics

What is the iPhone 4S all about?

Grabbing the attention of everyone, Apple are continuously growing, advancing and enhancing with each iPhone, so their newest creation, the iPhone 4S, is the most advanced yet to be announced. With the best of the best features this phone has it all and even more, but what interesting features make this mobile stand out? 

Apple do not follow suit of every other phone manufacturer and throw their phones onto the Android or Windows wagon, they created their own OS, iOS. With the creation of their own Operating System, Apple were able to give their mobile phones the exciting features that people did not know they could have, the speed that people required and the advance quality that would set them apart from the rest. 

Like Siri, the mobile brain, talk to your phone and get a response like you would a friend. Ask Siri to do things for you or remind you of things, ask it to send a text for you while your hands are full and Siri does just that. The possibilities are now endless with your mobile. Not just that but searching for things on the internet is now easier than ever, just ask Siri exactly what you want to find and Siri will work together with Safari and find exactly what you are looking for. 

Easier than ever to use iOS is designed to be the simplest of Operating Systems with very little hassle when using. The revolutionary Multi Touch interface was designed for your finger, so sliding, swiping and zooming requires very little effort and happens in an instant, so browsing through this phone is simple and fluid like.  

Keeping up with new mobiles and deciding what you want is hard so you can compare phone contracts and see which mobile is the best for you. With the release of the Samsung Galaxy S3 growing closer, the question on a lot of lips is, will the Samsung Galaxy S3 stand up against the infamous Apple iPhone 4S? The answer will soon be clear.  

The App store is another exciting feature from iOS, offering the biggest selection of some of the best entertainment available on a mobile. WIth Apps for everything you can think of, from business to Education and Healthcare and Fitness and Travel, something for everything and everybody. Not just that but with the biggest variety of games you can fill your iPhone with virtual worlds of your choice and Blockbusters movies by the thousands that you can watch over and over again, and finally music by the Jukebox full, from golden oldies to new chart toppers, to fill up your phone.

All of this on a crystal clear 3.5 Inch screen for optimal viewing and with power from a Dual Core A5 chip and you have a recipe for one incredible mobile. So we can see exactly why this mobile is as impressive and popular as it is. 

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