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How to Use Soapstone for Marking Metal

    • 1). Lay a coarse file flat on a firm surface. Hold a piece of soapstone in your dominant hand while you hold the end of the file with your other hand.

    • 2). Tilt the soapstone on a 30 degree angle to the surface of the file. Move the soapstone rapidly across the surface of the file until the end of the soapstone is filed to a flat line roughly 1/16 inch thick. Flip the soapstone over to face the filed bevel away from the file. Repeat the process to form a tapered point on the end of the soapstone.

    • 3). Move to the piece of metal.

    • 4). Place a mark on the piece of metal by holding one corner of the sharpened, tapered soapstone on the surface of the metal and dragging it with light, even pressure across the metal's surface.

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