Health & Medical Mental Health

Alcohol and Panic Attacks - Are They Related?

One thing researchers have learned about panic attacks is that they are the end result of how the mind and body work together.
There's a direct link between the physical symptoms during these episodes and the mental thoughts and feelings taking place.
So what about alcohol and panic attacks? What role, if any, does alcohol play? The answer to these questions is found in that amazing link between mind and body.
You see, if a person has ever had an anxiety attack, the distress it caused will not be forgotten.
So in a future situation in which a certain amount of nervousness is present, that person may begin to remember past times of panic and anxiety and begin to anticipate or fear that another such episode is about to happen.
This anticipation or fear - originating in the mind - shows itself in typical physical symptoms: rapid heartbeat, feeling shaky inside, dry mouth and sweaty hands, and fast breathing.
Then the person experiencing these things notices them happening and becomes even more alarmed.
This leads to an escalating cycle or endless loop, as the mind and body trigger each other.
Now, since alcohol often produces physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate and a hyperactive state of the nervous system, those very symptoms may be enough to produce that recurring mental fear that another panic attack is perhaps beginning.
So yes, generally speaking, alcohol can provide the initial trigger that sets in motion that mind-body tango producing a panic attack.
Ending panic attacks, of course, requires far more than simply removing alcohol from the mix.
It means learning exactly what one must do to break the cycle leading to an attack.
And it means breaking the anticipation that another attack is about to happen.
Countless others have discovered a method that is both simple and consistently reliable, not only in ending a panic attack, but in stopping these attacks from ever happening again.
Based on solid research, this method has brought sweet relief to those who once thought they were trapped with no way out.

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