Health & Medical Lose Weight

Acai Berris Diet For Living Better Life

It's no secret -- Americans have a weight problem.

More than 190 million Americans are overweight (a BMI of 25 or greater), obese (a BMI of 30 or greater) or morbidly obese (a BMI of 35 or greater) -- in total, about two-thirds of the U.S. population weighs too much [source: Doane]. It's probably not surprising, then, that two-thirds of Americans admit they'd like to lose weight. While most would like to lose about 10 pounds, some -- about 30 percent of women and 18 percent of men -- would like to cut more than 20 pounds to be satisfied with the number on the scale [source: Newport].

Obesity is more than just a number on a scale, though, or your clothing size. It's a chronic health problem that's been linked to a variety of health conditions and diseases, including but not limited to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension (high blood pressure), respiratory conditions, joint problems, liver and gallbladder disease, infertility and some cancers. And people who are morbidly obese frequently have more than one of these conditions -- in fact, in 2002, 25 percent of the morbidly obese population were treated for six or more weight-related conditions [source: Obesity Action Coalition]. Every year, roughly 112,000 Americans die from an obesity-related cause [source: Obesity Action Coalition]

Beyond the health costs of obesity, the associated financial costs are staggering. Obesity and related illnesses cost us $147 billion each year in medical costs. In 2007, Americans spent an estimated $75 billion on, specifically, weight-related health costs -- that's risen by $23 billion since 1995 [sources: Reinberg; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. Additionally, in 2009, Americans spent an estimated $60 billion on diet and diet-related products in an effort to lose weight [source: CBS News]. In the midst of the medical treatments and diet pills, you're probably wondering where the emphasis on nutrition is? Where is the emphasis on exercise? Are we looking for a magic pill? While there's no magic weight-loss pill, there are what have become known as superfoods.

Superfoods are foods that are thought to reduce our risk of developing heart disease, high total cholesterol and some cancers. And maybe even boost our mood while they're at it. The Acai Superfood Diet, specifically, focuses on one superfood, the acai (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee") berry from acai palm trees in Central and South America. Let's learn more about what superfoods can do for us, and how the Acai Superfood Diet works, next.

Most people nowadays are extremely consumed with their hectic schedules. They hardly have time for themselves and are always running from one place rather in order to get their job done. The biggest problem with indulging in such professions is the fact that people wanted to eat and exercise as well as would be recommended for the good state of health.

It is for this reason that a recent trend has been seen among people who are opting for the acai berry diet in order to make sure that they have a healthier state of living. People have seen that it is impossible for them to take out time from the daily schedules in order to exercise to cut down on the calories that they have consumed on a particular day.

Therefore the obvious solution to combat this problem is to reduce the intake of calories and the acai berry diet is one of the best option that people nowadays are opting for. It basically relies on the usage of fruit juice in order to be consumed on a daily basis to meet the nutritional needs of the body. This will ensure that a person has the required energy that he needs to get him through the day but has not taken the initiative to consume fast foods.

The best thing about acai berry diet is the fact that it relies on the usage of fruits and fruit juices. The very fact that it uses fruits implies that it is actually very good for the body and anybody who is taking it up as a method of having a better state of living is going to be satisfied with the results that he or she will see.

The main reason why people are opting for the acai berry diet is because it is very easy to make simply because of the usages of fruit and also consuming it hardly takes any time at all. Moreover, it ensures that a person has a better state of health and living.

For those who have a relatively bad experience with regard to their medical history and are looking for a sort of technique in order to combat the diet related problems which come up from time to time, the acai berry diet is one of the best possible options that anyone can resort to in order to have their problems addressed. The only difference between this and other forms of diet is that this is not a crash course diet that will make a person feel unwell after a certain point of time. It will only make sure that he or she has a better state of living and can enjoy life the way it is meant to be. Taking the help of such a diet course will only make sure that a person has proper control over the food that he or she consumes and that in turn will make sure that they have a better lifestyle and a far more healthier state of living.

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