Technology Electronics

How to Set Shutter Delay on a Canon XTI

    • 1). Hold the camera in your left hand and so you can see screen on the back of the camera.

    • 2). Locate the small round button to the right of the screen that has a small icon which looks like a clock. It is located just below the AV +/- button.

    • 3). Press and hold this button. The screen will now show a menu with the title "Drive Mode." Rotate the main dial located just behind the shutter release until the "Self Timer/Remote Control" icon is selected on the screen.

    • 4). Release the small round button and the cameras shutter has been set to be used in the self timer mode.

    • 5). Attach the camera to a tripod, press the shutter release and in 10 seconds the shutter will take the picture.

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