Technology Electronics

How to Install a HDTV Antenna

HDTVs are commonplace in most households, for those that wish to ditch cable or satellite, a HDTV antenna is a great way to get free HDTV channels. What most people don't realize is that HDTV antennas don't work in the same way as the old analog antennas. HDTV antennas are much more sensitive, and there fore can be harder to install.

One of the best things about over the air HDTV, it is totally free. Depending on where you live you may be able to receive 20-50 FREE HDTV channels. All you need is a HDTV, and the proper HDTV antenna. Another great thing about the over the air HDTV channels it that they do not have to be compressed to fit with hundreds of other channels in a cable, so you may actually get better quality then you neighbor who pays for the same channel.

Choose the HDTV antenna that is right for you
HDTV antennas can be installed indoors or out, and even then there are a handful of options depending on the channels available to you and the location of your home. Just like analog TV HDTV channels are broadcast over both UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) stations. Not all antennas can receive both UHF and VHF, so if you wish to receive both types make sure you purchase an antenna that is capable. If you have the space available outside your home, an outdoor antenna will be your best option. You can mount it higher, avoiding the interference of your walls, and you won't have to look at it in your living room. Both indoor and outdoor HDTV antennas can be omni-directional, or uni-directional. Omni-directional antennas receive channels in a 360 degree circle, but they are not as strong, since they have to spread out on multiple direction. Uni-directional antennas are pointed at the direction of the channels (they have a wide enough spread that you wont be limited to only one channel) you would like to watch, and get better reception due to the focus.

One way to improve the reception of your HDTV antenna is through the use of an amplifier. This may help to increase the number of channels you can receive, or improve the connection quality. One downside of a amplifier is that it increases the noise in the system, so if you do purchase an amplifier, make sure it has adjustable gain in order to optimize the strength to noise ratio.

Find out which free HDTV stations are available in your area
One great resource for anyone with a HDTV antenna is You simply enter your address, the height of the antenna, and it calculates the stations available to you. The website even makes suggestions as to which HDTV antenna will work best for you.
You can check it out at

The site will provide you with a list of channels color coded to the signal strength you can expect and the type of antenna you will need to receive them. They also provide a location map of the HDTV transmitters so you can position your antenna properly to receive the channels you enjoy.

Place the antenna
If you are using an indoor antenna, placement is fairly easy. If you can place the HDTV antenna on an exterior wall, or by a window, this will reduce interference. Use a compass and the chart generated at to align your antenna in the optimum dirction.

If you are going to make the jump to an attic antenna, your reception will improve, and you will not be able to see the antenna at all. Installation will be a bit more work as you will need to run a cable from your TV to the antenna, but it will be worth the work. Attic installation also benefit from the protection of the roof, keeping your antenna and wiring safe from rain and snow. You may need an amplifier as the construction of roofing often reduces signal strength up to 50%. You may need to move the antenna around in the attic, through trial and error, in order to avoid interference from metal and electrical wiring.

If you are going all out and placing your HDTV antenna on the roof, you will receive the best reception, most channels and highest quality image. But, you will also do the most work. If you live in a neighborhood that restricts placement of antennas on the roof, show them the Telecommunications Act of 1996, it forbids such restriction for video use. In order to install a HDTV antenna on a roof, you will need an antenna mast, this is included with most outdoor antennas.
Take special care during the install, as roof mounting can often become dangerous.

  • Take note of your power line location

  • Wait until your roof is dry before performing installation

  • Do not try to install your antenna during high winds

  • Make sure you are not alone at home when performing the installation

  • Avoid placing the antenna by tree branches, chimneys or other obstructions

If you already have a satellite dish, Terk makes a clip on antenna that will ease the installation and still produce great results. You may wish to run your cable through a surge protector prior to connecting it to your

Connect HDTV antenna to your HDTV
The hard work is over. All you have left to do is connect one simple cable€¦. Unless you are roof or attic mounting your antenna, in which case the hard part has just begun. The best choice in cable is RG-6 75-ohm coax cable. Older 300ohm flat cable will not work well and should be avoided. When choosing RG-6 cable, it is best to choose a quad shielded cable as this will prevent the most interference and improve the quality of your reception. When you run the cable, use one long piece, each splice will inject interference. You should also avoid sharp bends in the cable, and avoid running the cable next to electrical wiring or items such as a dryer, microwave, fuse box, or other high current device. If you chose to install your antenna outdoors, make sure to use a weather boot and silicone grease to protect the connections. If you are new to running wires, be sure to research the best way to run cables through walls, and take all safety precautions.

Setup the HDTV
The final step to installing a HDTV. Once you have placed the antenna, connected and ran the cable, all that is left is to tell your HDTV to look for the new channels. Most TVs will have a menu option that allows you to search for new TV channels. If you can not find the option, consult your HDTV manual.

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