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This Heatwave is Not a Myth

Information is now being discovered and disseminated throughout the planet at an unprecedented rate.
So is misinformation.
Global warming has all the makings of a catastrophe, but the powers that be would rather that you did not realize that.
Here are some basic facts about the reality of global climate change.
Myth #1: Within the scientific community, debate persists as to whether or not anthropogenic (human-caused) gases are the primary cause of global warming.
Fact: Worldwide, climate scientists are united in agreement that the current rise in greenhouse gases and global temperatures are directly correlated to human-related causes.
Mean temperatures across the globe are trending upwards, scientists agree.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the world's consumption of fossil fuels has increased at an alarming rate and climate scientists consent that the combustion of these fuels are the primary culprits of global warming.
Whatever debate exists does so in the popular media and political arenas.
Skeptics are often spokespeople or "scientists" hired by industries that have a stake in new emission-cutting regulations or changes in consumer buying patterns that would curb global warming.
Myth #2: The current warming trend is just part of the natural cycle of rising and falling climate variation.
A small shift in degrees is not a big deal.
Fact: While climate change does follow a natural cycle of fluctuation in global and regional temperatures over time, we are experiencing a major increase in the rate at which climate change is occurring that does not fall within the normal boundaries of global climate cycles.
While some animals and plants were able to adapt to slow changes over time, many will become extinct as a result of faster climate changes.
Evolution requires time to change any given species-successful changes are made over thousands (or millions) of years.
In contrast, scientists predict that the average global temperature will increase anywhere from 2.
5 to 10.
4 degrees F in the 21st century alone.
Although this may seem insignificant, such a shift across the entire globe will dramatically effect the more delicate ecosystems which are, in turn, connected to the function of each other system.
The last Ice Age was only 5-9 degrees colder than today's temperatures.
Myth #3: Global warming is a good thing; an extended warm season would be more comfortable and extend the growing season, thus increasing global food supplies.
Fact: While a small amount of warming might benefit some select regions, the negative effects of global warming will far outweigh any positives.
Among the many expected results of global warming are: drought, flooding rainstorms, forest fire, and species extinctions.
Many of the extreme weather events will occur in areas that are already experiencing trouble producing their own food because of resource depletion, specifically in the developing world where hunger is already prevalent.
Furthermore, population density will further increase pressure on the globe as a result of the rising seas forcing people from their homes to higher ground.
More mild cold seasons will invite non-native species, threatening the livelihood of native plants (which will already be under stress).
Insects that pose threats to the well-being of humans will experience an evolutionary advantage as a result of larger areas being hospitable to them for longer periods.
Myth #4: Like examples of the past, humans can easily adapt to the effects of global climate change, especially with current and future technologies.
Fact: Although humans can adapt to new climatic situations quite rapidly, there are several notable historical examples of major population decreases as a result of climate change.
If the global warming trend continues without action, the rate of increase and the degree of warming will exceed anything experienced since the beginning of human civilization.
The fallout from global warming will drastically impact all aspects of modern human life, as well as the global economy with which we are so intertwined.
If industrialized nations are able to fulfill the prophecy spoken by so many media pundits and invent their way out of this crisis with technology, those countries lacking the resources to do the same will be left high and dry.
The pressure from the movement of large groups of people displaced by global warming will be felt across borders, both political and socio-economic.
Additionally, conflict over food and water will likely have a ripple effect across the globe.
It is clear that the need to act on global, industrial, political, and individual levels is imperative to address one of the biggest environmental challenge humans as a species has ever seen.
Education is the first step; action is the next.
The future is in our hands.
Sources: Wang, James, PhD.
and Michael Oppenheimer, PhD.
"The Latest Myths and Facts on Global Warming.
" Environmental Defense, 2005.
[PDF] "Myth Manners Thinks Abrupt Climate Change Would Be Rude.
" Grinning Planet.
June 21, 2005.

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