Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Coatings on Infrastructure to Monitor Water Quality

Often we worry about our fresh water drinking quality due to pollution and contaminates.
We know it is critical to have clean water in our civilization.
We also know that it is important that our shorelines and oceans are clean, as it affects the eco-system, food chain and our local and regional sea life.
We must worry about industry, sewer treatment plants, non-point source discharges to storm drains as well as the fertilizers, chemicals and debris which runs off into our water supplies and/or flows to the ocean.
We must pit these needs of our civilization against the environmental costs associated with them.
We indeed cannot afford to make trades, which might cause dead zones of sea life or pollute our oceans.
Luckily for us Mother Nature is quite resilient in handling mankind's pollution, however we must continuing monitor the types of pollution we allow and prevent 99.
9% of it whenever we can.
In Industry oil and gas drilling rigs often take hits from Hurricane Storms and occasionally one is completely destroyed, causing an unfortunate release of chemicals, oil spill or other pollution.
These rigs are coated with very high-tech coatings to prevent rust and corrosion from the constant salt spray of the never forgiving ocean.
I propose using such coatings and adding in a coating which would turn color when water is contaminated.
If an oil rig is tipped over or destroyed these coatings would mix with the water and release oil and gas-eating bacteria, which would attach to any spill and start feasting on it.
Bio-remediation is a science, which has come very far very fast in the past decade.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina we find the mighty Lake Ponchartrain full of unnecessary crud and pollution.
This is unfortunate indeed as the lake is a place for boaters, fishing and a fun lifestyle.
The waters pumped back into the lake were polluted with e.
Coli bacteria, chemicals and debris, which is going to be tough on the lakes eco-system.
Lake Ponchartrain was making a strong comeback in the years prior to Hurricane Katrina, as nature always does find a way to clean itself and renew.
The environment is proving to be quite resilient indeed.
I would therefore like to propose that we coat the bridge over pass support structures with a special coating which will clean the lake as slow tide brushes up against it.
Attracting the floating chemicals now present and then through bio-remediation rapidly break down those chemicals.
We have modern coatings and environmental dispensers, which can do this.
I further propose that the support structures of the bridge contain spongy bio remediation pellets, which will be released each day when the streetlights on the bridge turn off.
These pellets would be made of spongy material, which would not hurt the boat hulls of vessels, which might bump into them as they float.
The spongy material would also be made very distasteful to birds, fish, sea life and wildlife; yet would clean the Lake.
Timed released biological and environmental remediation is nothing new, many environmental engineers use this to help reduce large algae blooms which threaten drinking water supplies, affect water quality or are a danger to sea life.
Once depleted the sponge would decay and become one with the lake.
If we consider our infrastructure which often crosses our important water ways, inlets, bays, rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastline; we may be able to coat these infrastructures with a coating which will alert us to any problematic contaminants, dispense bio-remediation solutions and protect our environment.
I propose here and now that we work to develop a comprehensive strategy to accomplish this goal to put sensors, monitors and solutions on every piece of infrastructure that comes in contact with our water.
Think on this.

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