Paranormal News
Camp for those who see dead people
They see dead people on Spook Hill. They're walking around the grounds, sitting in the dining hall and in the pews at the abandoned church. Kids, heard by visitors but usually only seen by those trained to see into the spirit world, play outside the rustic and run-down cabins. "Oh yeah, they're all over the place," says Judy Ulch, a jovial 60-year-old who claims not only to see dead people but also receive messages from them that she passes on to their loved ones who pay $40 per half hour for her services...
A subterranean artifact in Slovakia
"I froze in amazement - there stands something like a large, black silo framed in white limestone formations. It is a glass-smooth flank of a seemingly man-made structure. Even the thought of a tower-sized artifact embedded in rock in the middle of an obscure mountain is bewildering." - Antonin T. Horak Diary, October 23, 1944...
(Also read: "The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts")
Color artifacts on Mars
Includes color images of some of important discoveries on Mars. All of the original images are contained in the Flip-Book, "What NASA Isn't Telling You About Mars." Images shown here [1] are only a small fraction of the images in that book...
(Also read: "Mars: Evidence of Life and Past Civilizations?")
Beast of Sedgemoor returns with mate?
Has the Beast of Sedgemoor somehow managed to find a mate and given birth to a litter of two? That is the question being asked this week after builders at a Nether Stowey construction site spotted two big cats prowling the nearby fields...
Did aliens visit Airbourne?
It's not a bird, it's not a plane, but what exactly is it? That was the question Airbourne spectator Steve Wilkins was left asking himself after his video footage of a display in the skies above Eastbourne showed strange white lights flying around the plane...
Evidence of extra-terrestrial life near, says NASA scientist
A NASA rocket scientist says new technology may be able to provide a definitive answer to the question of whether there's extra-terrestrial life within our generation. Dr Jack Bacon says that the strong evidence of microbial life on Mars indicates that Earth is not the only planet capable of sustaining life...
Explore phantom black dogs
A dog half the size of a horse, a looming dark and shaggy body, a pair of giant yellow eyes the size of saucers, the ominous padded footfalls following closely behind: this is the typical description of a phantom black dog. Explore Phantom Black Dogs offers many examples of this type of story and uses a collection of essays to explore the topic...
Chupacabras 1951
Kenneth F. Thomas, editor of the Steamshovel Press and Missouri university archivist, shares an old reference to what seems like a new occurrence of "Chupacabras" in a sinister context, which he found on August 23, 2007...
Mystery of the Black Triangle UFOs
UFOs are reported in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. From round, ball-like shapes, square boxes, cigars, to the traditional flying saucer. Out of all of these configurations, triangular-shaped UFOs seem to be receiving more attention and publicity recently...
Ghost hunters
What people do in their hours away from the office is usually not much of a surprise. Except for the case of Bethany Rucinski, an East Side resident and writer/producer at Zizzo Group Advertising in downtown Milwaukee. In May, Rucinski headed to Door County for nine days of ghost hunting as part of her new television project, "Ghosts of Door County."..
They see dead people on Spook Hill. They're walking around the grounds, sitting in the dining hall and in the pews at the abandoned church. Kids, heard by visitors but usually only seen by those trained to see into the spirit world, play outside the rustic and run-down cabins. "Oh yeah, they're all over the place," says Judy Ulch, a jovial 60-year-old who claims not only to see dead people but also receive messages from them that she passes on to their loved ones who pay $40 per half hour for her services...
A subterranean artifact in Slovakia
"I froze in amazement - there stands something like a large, black silo framed in white limestone formations. It is a glass-smooth flank of a seemingly man-made structure. Even the thought of a tower-sized artifact embedded in rock in the middle of an obscure mountain is bewildering." - Antonin T. Horak Diary, October 23, 1944...
(Also read: "The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts")
Color artifacts on Mars
Includes color images of some of important discoveries on Mars. All of the original images are contained in the Flip-Book, "What NASA Isn't Telling You About Mars." Images shown here [1] are only a small fraction of the images in that book...
(Also read: "Mars: Evidence of Life and Past Civilizations?")
Beast of Sedgemoor returns with mate?
Has the Beast of Sedgemoor somehow managed to find a mate and given birth to a litter of two? That is the question being asked this week after builders at a Nether Stowey construction site spotted two big cats prowling the nearby fields...
Did aliens visit Airbourne?
It's not a bird, it's not a plane, but what exactly is it? That was the question Airbourne spectator Steve Wilkins was left asking himself after his video footage of a display in the skies above Eastbourne showed strange white lights flying around the plane...
Evidence of extra-terrestrial life near, says NASA scientist
A NASA rocket scientist says new technology may be able to provide a definitive answer to the question of whether there's extra-terrestrial life within our generation. Dr Jack Bacon says that the strong evidence of microbial life on Mars indicates that Earth is not the only planet capable of sustaining life...
Explore phantom black dogs
A dog half the size of a horse, a looming dark and shaggy body, a pair of giant yellow eyes the size of saucers, the ominous padded footfalls following closely behind: this is the typical description of a phantom black dog. Explore Phantom Black Dogs offers many examples of this type of story and uses a collection of essays to explore the topic...
Chupacabras 1951
Kenneth F. Thomas, editor of the Steamshovel Press and Missouri university archivist, shares an old reference to what seems like a new occurrence of "Chupacabras" in a sinister context, which he found on August 23, 2007...
Mystery of the Black Triangle UFOs
UFOs are reported in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. From round, ball-like shapes, square boxes, cigars, to the traditional flying saucer. Out of all of these configurations, triangular-shaped UFOs seem to be receiving more attention and publicity recently...
Ghost hunters
What people do in their hours away from the office is usually not much of a surprise. Except for the case of Bethany Rucinski, an East Side resident and writer/producer at Zizzo Group Advertising in downtown Milwaukee. In May, Rucinski headed to Door County for nine days of ghost hunting as part of her new television project, "Ghosts of Door County."..