Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Memory Problems Natural Remedies

When I went to the doctor about my fading memory - you know - misplacing car keys, trouble remembering names - he asked me to pay in advance. Easy to make jokes, but we all know how frustrating it is to feel like your memory is slipping. Let me introduce you to some remedies that may help you recreate a wonderful memory.

One remedy is to simply relax and forget that you can't remember. When you aren't thinking about it, it will pop into your mind.

Albert Einstein, a genius scientist and physicist, didn't believe in remembering anything he could look up. Not always practical, but a great tension-relieving thought.

Our brains use choline to make the important chemical acetylcholine, which is required for memory. You can buy choline chloride or choline hydrochloride (NOT choline biartrate since it sometimes causes diarrhea). Your memory and your ability to learn may improve, plus you should notice a keener sense of mental organization. Take 500 mg of choline twice a day.

Combine half a glass of carrot juice with half a glass of milk, drink daily for memory improvement.

It has been said that 3 prunes a day will improve the memory.

Fresh ginger, used in tea or cooking may heighten memory.

Drink a cup sage tea with four cloves added to it. They both have been said to strengthen memory. Drink a cup each day.

The national beverage of Paraguay is Yerba mate, a form of holly. According to South American medical authorities, one of the many positive effects of the herb is that is strengthens one's memory. Drink one cup early in the day. You can find Yerba mate in health food stores.

Drink a glass of room-temperature water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal. It is said to be an excellent tonic for the memory, plus curbs the appetite.

Almonds - great for all kinds of things, and this time, 6 raw almonds a day helps improve the memory.

A Japanese doctor has successfully treated more than 500 patients with memory problems. He recommends they take eyebright, which is an herb best known for treating eye disorders. Add 1/2 ounce of eyebright and 1 tablespoon of honey to 1 1/2 cups of just boiled water. When cool, strain and store in a bottle. Drink 3/4 cup before lunch and 3/4 cup before dinner.

First thing every morning, take two mustard seeds.

Every day, eat a handful of sunflower seeds.

According to a gem therapist, wearing an amethyst helps improve the memory.

Walking will improve many facets of your life, including memory, since walking increases oxygen flow to the brain. In an experiment on adults between the ages of 60 and 75, the group that walked briskly 3 days a week had a 15% boost in mental functioning.

Color can have a profound effect. Notice what the most prevalent color in legal pads is. Also, Post-It notes. Yellow most stimulates the brain, according to color therapy research. Write on yellow paper whenever possible.

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