Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes and the Value of a Calorie Counter

There are many different tools available that can be of great help to people in different medical situations, including those who have type 2 diabetes.
Now, there will always be charlatans and con men who will try to sell you useless products that will do absolutely nothing to benefit you or your health.
That does not have to mean, however, that there are no tools out there that are of interest to diabetics and are able to offer genuine help.
A calorie counter is one of those tools.
There are many reasons why a calorie counter can be an important tool in the treatment of diabetes.
The first is obvious: it will help you to lose weight.
Weight loss is one of the single best things that you can do in the course of treatment of diabetes.
Fat tissue in the body is one of the main contributing factors to insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes, at its heart, is in large part a factor of insulin resistance.
The second reason for the calorie counter is that you need to know exactly what you are eating.
This is important advice when it comes to good health in general, but it is doubly true for the diabetic.
You need to know where your calories come from and what kind of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients you are consuming.
Carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, specifically, are the primary reason for the spikes in blood sugar and the general high blood sugar levels that stimulate so many of the complications of diabetes that are so widely feared.
Lean proteins, omega 3 fats, and plenty of fiber make up the ideal diet for a diabetic.

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