How To Stop Bullying! Evoke The Power That You Actually Have Within You!
Let's define bullying first before we begin with what one must do to stop the bullying? Bullying is defined as "Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, manipulate, or aggressively imposing domination over another and or others.
" In other words, a person or group of people or a company focuses their attention on another or others in neither praising nor uplifting ways.
In still others words, they use their so-called "power" (it's not power at all) to influence and manipulate others to try to make them feel bad and or stop exposing their "bad" behaviors and "wrong" doings.
Wrong doings is defined here as hurting another or others because of one's own fear, low self-esteem and or harmful product.
I first must say this, any person or group of people or company, who are of a mixed opinion of them-selves, is a potential for being a "bully" and eventually a "victim" as well.
For example; there are many elementary or high school students who were verbally and or physically abused by their parent or parents; who now pray upon others.
In other words, they have been hurt as well, and they are lashing out at others who are in their vicinity.
Always remember this.
It will help you a lot when I ask you to "do" something that will you "move" out their line of sight or vicinity.
In other words, you are going to learn to become invisible to them so-to-speak.
Mixed is defined in this context as a person or people or a company who has an idea that something is terribly "wrong" but does not know how to heal it or fix it.
And thus, chooses to ignore the issue; and in some cases actually tries to suppress this knowledge from getting out into the public view.
If a person is actually doing very well (very happy and confident); they'd be blissfully standing on their own two feet, celebrating, not only their own lives, but the lives of others who they're interacting with as well.
The fact is, they (bullies) are scared, under all that anger that they display, and rightfully so.
These normal acting people and or companies are drawing nearer and nearer to them-selves major personal disasters that will either wake them up to heal their pain and issues or it will help to destroy them.
I say normally acting people or companies because when you haven't raised your low self-esteem (habitual negatively feeling producing thoughts/ideas about oneself and others), you, in most cases automatically act in this detrimental way toward others, who are in your vicinity.
What I mean by vicinity is the following.
A bully is angry and upset at times not wanting to feel the fear that's within them.
And these bullies will attack other people who close to them emotionally.
Meaning, if you are getting bullied by it's because you, yourself are afraid of something and or someone.
Heal the fears within you and the bullies won't "see" you any more; meaning you'll fall off their radar.
You won't be a victim any more.
Think about this.
A person or company who is automatically (unconsciously) thinking very good feeling producing thoughts about themselves and their products, will not, nor could become a bully, nor a victim.
They feel too good about themselves to waste their energy bullying and or manipulating others.
And if a problem does come up they don't try to hide it, like bullies do, they eventually fix it, and in doing so they honor them-selves and the others around them.
I am not asking you to ever confront the bully.
Let the police do that if you think they need to.
How do you over come your fears so you stop "attracting" bullies in your life? This is a great question.
The answer: change the way you think about yourself (your beliefs) and the world.
For example, when you were born you were the most loving and accepting baby on the planet.
You loved everybody.
Everybody you passed by the street as well.
However, your well-meaning parents began systematically teaching you limiting beliefs about "the problems" in the world.
This view of the world that they taught you was significantly slanted in "protecting yourself" from the problems of the world.
And this view of the world was based upon the news that was broadcasted into your family room.
What percentage of the news is good feeling producing news? At best 10%, the rest, 90% was something that made you fearful at best.
However, when you walk out onto the street and go into town how many of those bad things are happening in your town? My guess is almost zero.
I say almost because you obviously have a bullying problem.
Accordingly, in order to transcend (remove) this unwanted experience in your life you must learn to believe in something else, with your heart.
Science and scripture both talk (prove) about this.
For example, a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
What does this mean to you? It simply means you can't try to protect yourself from something and not at the same time invite it in to your life.
Intuitively, you know this to be true.
For example, who is much more likely to be noticed and engaged with in a dark alley in a "bad" part of town.
A person who is happy and joyful and not afraid inside or a person who lives in their self created fear? The answer sticks out as being very obvious, doesn't it? I am not, not would I ever ask you to face your fears.
You don't need to.
You beat the drum of your fears everyday, and you are getting a certain result out of life.
However, isn't it time for you start beating a better feeling producing drum? All you need to do, is begin imagining much better scenarios (better feeling producing scenarios) with your friends and family and watch how the universe will respond to you.
Whether you believe it or not, you do in fact have power over your life's situations.
Most people try to suppress the bully.
That's fine for the cops to do that.
However, as you are finding out there is "something" else going on behind the scenes; that you have control over.
Become an imagination genius and watch your life change for the better.
It will take some time, but don't give up.
You are totally worth it.
I know think you are starting to understand how your current beliefs (your current thinking and judging of self and others and the world) actually affects your life and what and who shows up in it, otherwise you would have stopped reading this article long ago.
Consequently, you now understand how important it is to immediately begin raising your self-esteem; because if you don't, another bully is right around the corner for you.
If you think about it, all so-called "bullies" and their "victims" are people who are suffering with their own self-image and self-worth.
Think about this; why does a particular person get bullied when there are literally 100's even 1000's of other people to choose from? There is a common thread that's occurs in every bullying and victim's experience.
Do you have any idea what happens to the "victim" who changes/raises their self-esteem and self-worth beliefs? They stop getting bullied! Every time, no exceptions! Do you know what happens when they raise it really high? They begin thinking loving thoughts about the bully that actually helps the bully! Science has proved this! Think about this, smash somebody and they'll probably try to smash you back.
Learn to raise your self-worth by using your powerful imagination.
Try it!!! You have nothing to lose, and all to gain.
And what you'll gain is, the knowing that every thought you think hits its target; whether it's a loving thought or a hate thought or a fearful! And at the same time, begins the process of bringing that experience into your life! That's how powerful you really are! No exceptions.
There is 1000's of studies showing thoughts instantaneously reaching others.
Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself! Thanks for reading this article, I would love to hear your feedback!
" In other words, a person or group of people or a company focuses their attention on another or others in neither praising nor uplifting ways.
In still others words, they use their so-called "power" (it's not power at all) to influence and manipulate others to try to make them feel bad and or stop exposing their "bad" behaviors and "wrong" doings.
Wrong doings is defined here as hurting another or others because of one's own fear, low self-esteem and or harmful product.
I first must say this, any person or group of people or company, who are of a mixed opinion of them-selves, is a potential for being a "bully" and eventually a "victim" as well.
For example; there are many elementary or high school students who were verbally and or physically abused by their parent or parents; who now pray upon others.
In other words, they have been hurt as well, and they are lashing out at others who are in their vicinity.
Always remember this.
It will help you a lot when I ask you to "do" something that will you "move" out their line of sight or vicinity.
In other words, you are going to learn to become invisible to them so-to-speak.
Mixed is defined in this context as a person or people or a company who has an idea that something is terribly "wrong" but does not know how to heal it or fix it.
And thus, chooses to ignore the issue; and in some cases actually tries to suppress this knowledge from getting out into the public view.
If a person is actually doing very well (very happy and confident); they'd be blissfully standing on their own two feet, celebrating, not only their own lives, but the lives of others who they're interacting with as well.
The fact is, they (bullies) are scared, under all that anger that they display, and rightfully so.
These normal acting people and or companies are drawing nearer and nearer to them-selves major personal disasters that will either wake them up to heal their pain and issues or it will help to destroy them.
I say normally acting people or companies because when you haven't raised your low self-esteem (habitual negatively feeling producing thoughts/ideas about oneself and others), you, in most cases automatically act in this detrimental way toward others, who are in your vicinity.
What I mean by vicinity is the following.
A bully is angry and upset at times not wanting to feel the fear that's within them.
And these bullies will attack other people who close to them emotionally.
Meaning, if you are getting bullied by it's because you, yourself are afraid of something and or someone.
Heal the fears within you and the bullies won't "see" you any more; meaning you'll fall off their radar.
You won't be a victim any more.
Think about this.
A person or company who is automatically (unconsciously) thinking very good feeling producing thoughts about themselves and their products, will not, nor could become a bully, nor a victim.
They feel too good about themselves to waste their energy bullying and or manipulating others.
And if a problem does come up they don't try to hide it, like bullies do, they eventually fix it, and in doing so they honor them-selves and the others around them.
I am not asking you to ever confront the bully.
Let the police do that if you think they need to.
How do you over come your fears so you stop "attracting" bullies in your life? This is a great question.
The answer: change the way you think about yourself (your beliefs) and the world.
For example, when you were born you were the most loving and accepting baby on the planet.
You loved everybody.
Everybody you passed by the street as well.
However, your well-meaning parents began systematically teaching you limiting beliefs about "the problems" in the world.
This view of the world that they taught you was significantly slanted in "protecting yourself" from the problems of the world.
And this view of the world was based upon the news that was broadcasted into your family room.
What percentage of the news is good feeling producing news? At best 10%, the rest, 90% was something that made you fearful at best.
However, when you walk out onto the street and go into town how many of those bad things are happening in your town? My guess is almost zero.
I say almost because you obviously have a bullying problem.
Accordingly, in order to transcend (remove) this unwanted experience in your life you must learn to believe in something else, with your heart.
Science and scripture both talk (prove) about this.
For example, a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
What does this mean to you? It simply means you can't try to protect yourself from something and not at the same time invite it in to your life.
Intuitively, you know this to be true.
For example, who is much more likely to be noticed and engaged with in a dark alley in a "bad" part of town.
A person who is happy and joyful and not afraid inside or a person who lives in their self created fear? The answer sticks out as being very obvious, doesn't it? I am not, not would I ever ask you to face your fears.
You don't need to.
You beat the drum of your fears everyday, and you are getting a certain result out of life.
However, isn't it time for you start beating a better feeling producing drum? All you need to do, is begin imagining much better scenarios (better feeling producing scenarios) with your friends and family and watch how the universe will respond to you.
Whether you believe it or not, you do in fact have power over your life's situations.
Most people try to suppress the bully.
That's fine for the cops to do that.
However, as you are finding out there is "something" else going on behind the scenes; that you have control over.
Become an imagination genius and watch your life change for the better.
It will take some time, but don't give up.
You are totally worth it.
I know think you are starting to understand how your current beliefs (your current thinking and judging of self and others and the world) actually affects your life and what and who shows up in it, otherwise you would have stopped reading this article long ago.
Consequently, you now understand how important it is to immediately begin raising your self-esteem; because if you don't, another bully is right around the corner for you.
If you think about it, all so-called "bullies" and their "victims" are people who are suffering with their own self-image and self-worth.
Think about this; why does a particular person get bullied when there are literally 100's even 1000's of other people to choose from? There is a common thread that's occurs in every bullying and victim's experience.
Do you have any idea what happens to the "victim" who changes/raises their self-esteem and self-worth beliefs? They stop getting bullied! Every time, no exceptions! Do you know what happens when they raise it really high? They begin thinking loving thoughts about the bully that actually helps the bully! Science has proved this! Think about this, smash somebody and they'll probably try to smash you back.
Learn to raise your self-worth by using your powerful imagination.
Try it!!! You have nothing to lose, and all to gain.
And what you'll gain is, the knowing that every thought you think hits its target; whether it's a loving thought or a hate thought or a fearful! And at the same time, begins the process of bringing that experience into your life! That's how powerful you really are! No exceptions.
There is 1000's of studies showing thoughts instantaneously reaching others.
Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself! Thanks for reading this article, I would love to hear your feedback!