Health & Medical Adolescent Health

How To Tell If Your Child Is Gifted

During the many stages of a child's life, parents may wonder if their child is gifted.
But coming to a definitive answer is often a difficult one because the arena tends to be largely subjective.
Because no two children are alike, there are no tests to accurately measure the "giftedness" of a particular child.
However, there are certain characteristics that many gifted children have in common.
Below is a list of these commonalities to help you determine whether your child is indeed gifted.
Super-sensitivity / Over-excitability Education experts say many gifted children have extreme tendencies and preferences.
For example, a gifted child may become cripplingly annoyed by a wrinkle in his shirt or very sensitive to loud noises.
Polarizing tendencies, as opposed to stable and middle-of-the-line behaviours, are a common trait among many gifted children.
Intense Interests Average children tend to have a broad range of hobbies within a certain range of interestedness.
However, many gifted children harbour an intense passion for one particular arena whether it is art, music or maybe even collecting stamps.
This passion sometimes becomes the focal point of a child's everyday life and all other interests become minute or obsolete.
Flexible thinking Many children are naturally adaptable and nimble in their thought process.
However, gifted children are more apt to make broad connections in ideas, objects or facts.
They see that many things in this world are inter-connected and can easily identify the relationship between seemingly different concepts.
They have excellent problem-solving skills that go beyond traditional solutions.
Gifted children are essentially pioneers of new ideas and constantly push the boundaries of abstract thought.
Learns quickly If your child learns concepts and skills with little practice or no repetition, then he/she may be gifted.
Gifted children have a natural ability to memorize processes that normally take others months to master.
Prefers to spend time with adults Because the brain of a gifted child is more highly-advanced than that of their peers, many gifted children tend to be more comfortable around adults.
Their speech may be precocious or their notions of what is "interesting" may go beyond the usual activities that their classmates engage in.
A gifted child can also carry a conversation with a certain ease and wise mannerism that even catches adults off guard.
If you suspect that your child may be gifted, seek out an assessment from a professional education therapist.
These types of detections often take place during elementary school.
But the earlier the detection, the more quickly you can harness your child's giftedness and secure the best possible future for him/her.

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