Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Reiki - A Gift of Love

Back in 1998 I moved with my family to the States.
Shortly after, my dear mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
She was living in Colombia, my country and I was devastated with the inability to assist her through such a difficult time.
After a couple of years of my mother's battle against cancer, I heard about an ancient therapy called Reiki.
I started researching about the subject and it caught my attention the possibility for a Reiki practitioner to send healing energy at the distance.
I was very skeptical about this statement but at the same time it was the only option I could find, besides praying, that give me a sense of empowerment to provide some support and relief for my mother.
A year after, I signed up for the next Reiki class in the area and within the next two years I became a Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki is said to be a healing therapy originated in ancient times and it was later re-discovered in Japan by Dr.
Mikao Usui.
Reiki is a word of Japanese origin.
Rei means universal, and Ki means energy.
Ki is also called "life energy" and it is the energy that keeps us alive.
According to Eastern teachings, Ki flows within the physical body through pathways called "chakras.
" Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning circle or wheel.
Ki also follows around us in a field of energy called "Aura.
" There are 7 main chakras in the body to direct the flow of the Universal Energy.
The energy taken in goes to the organs closest to that chakra.
The energy is very important for the proper functioning of organs.
If the flow of energy is disrupted anywhere within the chakra system, the organs associated with that part of the body will weaken and more likely we will become sick.
Reiki works through the chakras to balance the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional states.
During a Reiki treatment, the client is lying down or sitting comfortably while the practitioner places his or her hands over the areas corresponding to the client's chakras to channel Reiki with the intention to re-establish a proper flow of "life force energy" within the body.
Due to the lack of scientific evidence of "ki" existence, Reiki had not been given the credibility and popularity in the medical field.
The International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) has conducted a survey of "America's Best Hospitals" to determine the extent that Reiki is used at the world's finest and most progressive hospitals and what kinds of programs if any, formal or informal, are in place.
The Hartford Hospital, one of the 64 medical institutions in the United states that offers Reiki treatment for patients has a webpage dedicated to alternative healing therapies where it states that "research on various types of energy work has shown that, in addition to deep relaxation, Reiki can promote a reduction in anxiety, muscle tension, and pain, can promote accelerated wound healing, and can promote wellness and a greater sense of well-being.
It is useful during illness, after injuries, pre- and post-op, as well as for health promotion.
" I know that many of these benefits and my mother's faith strengthen her, allowing us to enjoy her presence again.
Against all diagnosis, I had the opportunity to receive from my mother a true gift of love when she came to visit us for Christmas a few months before her passing.
I was delighted with her presence and the opportunity to provide a loving tender care for her and to hear how grateful she was for Reiki and her desire to learn this therapy.
Unfortunately, she had to be rushed back to Colombia due to her deteriorating illness and I sadly had to kiss her goodbye knowing deep in my heart this would be the last time I saw her.
On March 21, 2007, my mother passed away.
I was told she kept her hand constantly on her chest, channeling Reiki to alleviate the pain and discomfort.
Reiki not only relieved her pain but it also created a deep desire in my heart to spread this gift of love in our community through service and teaching.
As a tribute to my mother, I have offered Reiki treatments to hospice patients for the last three years.
Once a month, I invite my students to what is known in the Reiki community as a Reiki Healing Circle.

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