Space Requirements for Zebra Finches
- Zebra finches are very lively birds and enjoy flying, an activity they engage in for most of the day. If you wish to keep your finches happy and healthy, it is necessary to provide them with the largest amount of space you possibly can, whether in an aviary or a cage. Further, because zebra finches are extremely social birds, they need the company of at least one other zebra finch. And, of course, the more birds you have, the more space you'll need.
- An aviary is a large walk-in cage. It can be the size of a cupboard or the size of a small room and will provide your finches with ample flying space. Because buying an aviary can be rather expensive, some people choose to build their own. You can locate your aviary indoors or outdoors, though an outdoor aviary will need to be protected from harsh weather, sun and predators. Ideally your aviary should have a doubled door, making it more difficult for the birds to escape when you enter or exit.
- If an aviary is not feasible, provide a cage that is a minimum of 20 inches across, though larger is better. A pair of finches will need a cage that is at least 28 inches across, 18 inches deep and 18 inches high. Keep in mind that the width of the cage is more important than height as finches will fly horizontally far more often than up and down. Make certain the bars on the cage are small, spaced no more than half an inch apart. Avoid brass cages, since brass can be toxic to the birds.
- Keep your finch cage or aviary out of high traffic areas and away from drafts, sun and excess noise. Do not position the cage or aviary anywhere near the kitchen. Cooking smoke and fumes from nonstick cookware can injure or even kill the birds. Food and water dishes are necessary accessories, as well as a swing and bird bath. Supply several perches of varying sizes and materials to provide the finches with places to land. Perches can also help keep beaks and nails trim. Position the perches in front of food and water dishes, but not above them. You should also include nests in the cage or aviary to give your finches a sense of security. Be certain when adding accessories that you are not overcrowding the space. Your finches should be able to fly from one end of the cage to the other, with no obstacles in the way.