Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Bringing About Social Change With Mobile Phones

The number of mobile phone users has increased exponentially in the past few decades. It was estimated that by the end of 2011 there were around 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world, which is a huge number when you consider that the population of the world in 2011 was just under 7 billion. That is not to say, however, that almost everyone in the world has a mobile phone subscription, rather, that many people will be in possession of one or more phone subscriptions. Still, it is a huge number. The majority of people in the UK will use their phone every day, either to call someone, send a message or go on the internet. For UK phone users the main use of a mobile phone is to keep in contact with friends and family. The mobile phone is, however, increasingly being used to improve lifestyle, healthcare, education and standard of living, both at home and around the world - particularly in developing countries.

Charities, medical organisations and individual app developers (among others) have been quick to realise the positive potential of the mobile phone. The use of different applications or apps on mobile phones can help to improve the quality of life for many people. Visiting the app store on your phone you may find any number of games and fun applications, but many developers are also creating apps that can help to improve the way people live their lives all around the world. Mobile phone technology brings a sense of connectivity and community that can help health, education and non-profit organisations in their projects.

It may be surprising to learn that the majority of handsets produced are still feature phones (i.e. not smartphones). Though many people in the world do have smartphones with internet connectivity and high levels of processing power, even more still use candy bar or flip feature phones. The previously mentioned apps are created in some instances for smartphone users but just as many are designed to work on feature phones. It has been put forward by some observers that the constraints of feature phone technology, i.e. the lack of functionality in comparison with smartphones, has spurred on creativity rather than hindered it. App creators for feature phones have to think in more creative and out-of-the-box ways to deliver results.

There are many different ways that mobile phone technology can be used to improve peoples lives. One of the most common areas that it is being utilised in is in the health sector. Mobile phone technology, even basic SMS capability, can make a huge difference in low income and rural areas. Many health organisations, many of which are based in African countries, are using mobile phone technology in the fight against malaria. Health care workers and volunteers that are working in remote areas can send data and reports using mobile phones. This means that central medical clinics and hospitals can have information immediately and do not have to wait for long periods of time while workers are travelling back to the clinics with their information.

Mobile phones are also useful in the education arena. The Egyptian Illiteracy Eradication Initiative is a good example of this in action. The aim of the Initiative is to help seven million illiterate adults in Egypt to learn how to read and write. This is done through the use of a smartphone app that helps users learn how to read and write in Arabic. The Initiatives app uses picture-associated learning and talkback functionality in order to help its users. This is just one example but there are many different apps that are used to improve levels of education and some even help users learn a new language.

The technology used in mobile phones can also be of use to those with disabilities. Some developers have created apps that allow the visually impaired to use their mobile phone to check the news, to find out what the weather will be like or to keep up with the sports scores. The information will be presented in a way that is accessible and may utilise spoken feedback functionality. Another app that is available displays places that are accessible to those with a disability. Users can edit the information and add their own details about a particular place. There are several different apps that currently offer this functionality, these include the Jaccede app and the Easy Way app.

Mobile phone technology is also being well utilised in terms of local business. Even the most basic mobile phones can help local farmers and businesses to create a network that allows easy communication. Local businesses and farmers in particular can use mobile phones to keep up to date with market prices and therefore a set price can be established, stopping them from losing out due to lack of information. Agricultural organisations can also send out useful market information to farmers that can help them to improve their produce. The same principle of using SMS alerts can also be used to provide young people in rural areas with news about educational and career opportunities.

Many different organisations and individuals are stepping up to the challenge of creating new ways to improve peoples lives through using only the technology available in mobile phones. It is a hugely creative way for organisations and individuals to work towards improving the quality of education, healthcare and local business at home and abroad. It is likely that as mobile phone technology continues to improve so will the apps being created.

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