Uncovering Some Of The Negative Long Term Effects Of Weed Smoking

Despite it being something that is considered somewhat of a soft drug, there's now evidence to suggest that the THC is something that can contribute to lung disorders.
Research conducted by Dr Donald Tashkin and Dr Brent Moore, who studied over 6000 patients, by monitoriing groups of non-smokers, tobacco smokers and marijuana smokers, resulted in an in increased amount of tar among those who only smoked marijuana.
Concluding the report, Dr Tashkin explains that the increased tar may be down to how the drug is being smoked and not the THC.
By analyzing how the drug is smoked, we can see where the thought comes from.
When frequent smokers light up a joint, they will often inhale much deeper. Even holding their breath for up to 4 times longer. This is where Dr Tashkin believes the problem is. Not that it's perhaps the substance itself but more of "how the substance is used".
Leading to condtiions of the lung being developed.
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Respiratory Probems
- Emphysema
Another issue that was looked into was the debate about marijauna being associated with psychosis.
This still remains unsubstantiated.
With that said, it is advised that those who have a family history of mental health disorders, that smoking marijuana isn't advisable "until more is known".
Depression was one of the other conditions that is trying to be understood. Whether it's linked to the use of cannabis or not.
The theory is that the folks using the drug consistently, that it may be the depression symptoms that are causing folks to turn to the drug in an effort to escape the blues sort of thing.
It'll be interesting to see how things are going to go with future tests as we might finally get the results we need, in order to know the true extent of the effects weed is having on us. Especially with the amount of folks using the drug.
It's still being seen to be on the rise with vast majority of folks using it, being in eighth grade, despite some of the unknown, teen marijuana use is still on the rise,