Health & Medical Parenting

Kids" Birthday Parties - Top 5 Fun Children"s Birthday Ideas

When planning kids' birthday parties, a single theme that combines decorations and activities can be lots of fun and keep the children entertained (a fun thought for the grownups!). But there's no need to wear yourself out with complicated arrangements before the party's even started: here are 5 children's birthday ideas that will be enjoyable for the kids ... and easy for busy grownups to plan!

Good Sport Kids' Birthday Party Ideas - Go For the Gold

Think Olympics as a theme for a children's birthday party. Depending on when the birthday party is taking place, you can do simple variations on summer or winter events such as gymnastics and relay races and set up your party space for indoor or outdoor play. Hang flags from different countries and buy foil-covered chocolate circles in gold and silver to award as "medals" to all the kids participating. You can decorate your kids' birthday party cake like the Olympic flag or, instead of a birthday cake, serve cupcakes colored and arranged like the Olympics flag circles: blue, yellow, black green and red.

A Capitol Kids' Birthday Party Idea - Hail to the Chief

Your child doesn't have to be old enough to vote for you to elect a presidential theme for a kids' birthday party. And no one has to choose sides, either: just decorate the birthday cake and party space in all-American red, white and blue. In addition to regular party games, one activity you can do at this kids' birthday party is have the girls and boys write down one thing they each would do if they were president. Or they can write one question they have for the current commander in chief, and you can send it to the White House on their behalf.

Just Boys Kids' Birthday Party Idea - It's a Bird, It's a Plane ...

Boys love playing superhero, and if you're having a birthday party just for boys, a fun kids' birthday party idea and activity would be to have them come as their favorite superhero. You can also transform the guests into superheroes at the children's birthday party with the help of some store bought or homemade masks and capes. The boys can even make their own masks, and one birthday party activity can be for them to use their imaginations and make up a brand new superpower.

Just Girls Kids' Birthday Party Idea - It's Tea Time!

If your children's birthday party is going to be an all-girl affair, how about having the birthday girl host a tea party? It can be simple or fancy, depending on the girls' ages and what's easily available to you. If the girls are little, use different-colored napkins to set the table prettily and serve iced tea in plastic cups. For older girls, using china cups and saucers would be an elegant way to celebrate at your child's birthday party. If you don't want to risk your own fine china, look around at local thrift stores or garage sales for a mix-and-match variety of dishes.

Unique Kids' Birthday Party Idea - Picture This ... With an Adesso Album Instant Photo Guest Book

With an Adesso Album Instant Photo Guest Book, you can capture the magic moments with instant Fuji, Polaroid or Digital photos at your children's birthday party as they're happening. While the party is going on, taking instant photos can be one of the kids' birthday party activities. If the children are old enough, they can even be the ones taking the pictures! Together with hand-written messages from party guests, friends and family, you're creating a personal, one-of-a-kind keepsake that you'll have long after the party's over.

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