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Ten Key Calculator Tips

    Printer Commands

    • There are a number of printer commands used in a ten-key calculator. The up arrow will advance the paper for the calculator without printing anything on the paper. The printer functionality can be removed with the on-off switch, and can be moved between "no printing," "print on demand," and "print constant" settings, which will track and print everything that you do.

    Clearing Out Unwanted Actions

    • Most calculators will let you clear out a number that you have entered in error. Ten-key calculators are no different, but they require a different process to do it. Pressing the "C" key clears out everything that you have done, so use it with care. If you have mistyped a number, you will want to use the "CE" key, which will clear only the screen, not all of the operations in the key log. This is the most common clearing function.

    Adding and Subtracting

    • Adding and subtracting with a ten-key calculator is different than with a conventional calculator. You have to hit the number that you want to add or subtract, followed by the operation, so 5 (+ or -) 5 will equal either 5 or zero after you have totaled it with the * button.


    • Multiplying is the same with a ten-key calculator as it is with any other calculator. In order to multiply, just hit the number that you want to multiply, followed by the multiplication symbol, and then the number you want to multiply it by. Then you will get the answer, so 5 x 5, then the * button for total, will come back as 25.

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