Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Mind Control Conspiracies and Think Tank Topics

One topic we like to discuss at our think tank, which operates online is the challenges of mind control science.
Now this topic really gets on people's nerves, because no human being wants to be controlled by anyone else, or at least that's what they think.
I mean, if we really look at it humans are controlled by laws, government, their family, their religion, and their thought processes already.
Some say academia is nothing more than a giant brain washing machine, and after having participated in it sometimes I actually agree with them.
That's not a statement against academia, rather the resultant of the unintended consequences - I'm not condemning anybody here.
Still, when it comes to mind sciences, the reality is that we have been making good progress here with prosthesis devices, and soon we have thought-to-text recognition to control devices, and communicate - think thought swapping communication technologies of the future.
When it comes to actual mind control in the present period, one could say that controlling the mind also brings thoughts to people from mass-media, academia, brainwashing, conspiracy, hypnosis, etc.
People fear this, and quite frankly it really scares the crap out of them.
Nevertheless, the reality is that species here on Earth seem to be quite controllable, we already know this from experiments on cockroaches, rats, mice, monkey's etc, and I suppose someone has done highly advanced research on humans too.
So in reality none of the mind control sciences or research that people are studying now is pseudoscience, it will all be possible fairly soon, and it shouldn't be too difficult.
After all, individual humans 7.
8 billion of them are already controlling their own mind to a large degree themselves, and have been since the species has existed.
Consider if you will all the issues concerning performance and sports psychology, addictions, motivation, etc.
the reality is that one famous notable in history once said; "it's amazing what humans can be led to believe," and he was speaking to the ability of religions to shape one's thoughts, and mass control of the media in his day, if he could see what was going on today he'd be completely amazed.
We already are involved in controlled and contrived social engineering and mind manipulation in our societies and civilizations.
The concept of taking it to a higher level, adapting it to technology and preparing the human race for the transhumanist future, just happens to be something that people are quite fearful of, but maybe that's because they watch too many Hollywood science-fiction movies, or they don't trust their own species, which maybe is a good idea, not to trust when you think about it.
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