January 2010 and the Haitian Destruction
On Tuesday January 12th 2009 the Haitian people were hit with a horror of destruction from a 7.
0 earthquake that hit Port-Au-Prince and the surrounding area.
What is going on in the world when this kind of destruction is damaging our way of life? Throughout the days and night buildings and stone strap the beautiful people of Haiti but didn't damage their soul or spirit.
The Haitian people immediately started looking for their family members despite the damage, lost of life, and injuries that were sustain.
The news outlet were on alert and started to dispense network professionals to cover this tragedy.
CNN rush to Haiti to cover the story but did they take emergency service members to help victims within the Haitian community while covering the destruction.
While watching on the local and national networks this horrific problem of destruction in Haiti where citizens live extremely under the poverty level we witness children naked in the streets and hurt extremely bad, and this made me and others cry.
I don't know why this earthquake hit but it's a problem that we all as a world need to dig in and help.
CNN's Dr.
Sanjay Gupta a CNN, Chief Medical Reporter took off his reporter's hat and started taken care of the people in Haiti.
One of the victims was a 15-month-old baby with petty curly hair and Dr.
Gupta took the time to care and keep this baby healthy from a head injury.
Approximately, 150 orphanages in Jacmel, Haiti was also trap in a building, but Mark Stewart; Director of the orphanage was there to get the children calm and was able to keep them together and safe.
There were some adult volunteers of orphanage hurt during the earthquake but they too were able to get out, even though some are still missing, hopefully they are not harmed.
The children were afraid but retreated quickly and were happy that they are together once again.
Child that are orphans rely on each other and when one is hurt they all feel the pain like family.
Stewart will help them adept and recovered while keeping them safe.
Many of these children are enjoying camping out now even with the problems that surround them, they are fine.
Even though the climate of the orphanages is troublesome Director Stewart feels that the children will be all right but he has encourage the authorities to move quickly to find temporary housing for them.
Youth non-profits organizations across the country should join together to help these youth now and in the future to replace the much needed materials.
The United States of America like many nations are financially deprived in a spiral down economy but, we are people of caring hearts and we will do what is needed to help the people of Haiti.
The people of Haiti was already living in a bubble crowded environment with a lack of resources, however, they always had faith before this destruction of their land, friends, and family.
Now the mission is to get the people help and free them from this painful ordeal that was induce on them by mother earth.
Christa Brelsford a graduate student from Arizona State University and her brother were some of the quake survivors that made it out, but Brelsford lose her foot when the building collapsed of her and her brother while running down the steps to get out.
Christa is now in the hospital getting great care because she has an outstanding health care plan, unlike most of the Haitian people in Haiti.
Horror in Haiti is just one of the problems that has rock the world, but we stand strong to battle the problems and help ensure that we get those out of the collapse buildings and pray for the people that are indeed worrying about there love ones.
Health care will be a priority for those that are traumatically injured and President Obama has step up his efforts to help the people of Haiti and we applaud his efforts because most of us remember what happen in New Orleans "Katrina".
The problems in New Orleans got stalled in helping the people of New Orleans, which are still suffering now in 2010.
But, President Obama has invested 100 millions dollar plus in money and aid to help the Haitian people where some of the first slaves were transported by boat into a system of slavery to built our economy in the United States America from the ground up.
We are happy with President Obama decision along with world leaders reacting to the people and hope that they get continue support even after the problem is settled in Haiti.
Political power houses Former President Bush Senior and Former President Clinton are joined together to combine there fundraising efforts to help the people of Haiti where former President Clinton spent much of his time during his presidency in helping the Haitian people as well as with his Clinton Global Initiative worldwide.
Often the politics of the world gets in the way of helping African descendants but this is not the case now and we as a nation are pride of the results.
On January 14, 2010 two days after the earthquake we have more than 5000 troops on the ground helping the Haitian people and securing Haiti incase of additional problems arose later.
Supporting the mission of this problem can be troublesome but we have hope, while the Haitian people tried to recovery we will be there.
Even after the people are safe and the area is secured we need to continue our efforts to make Haiti a place that we all can be proud of and help eliminate the poverty issues facing the people of Haiti.
We might not eliminate all the issues that plague this beautiful landscape and people, but we can try.
0 earthquake that hit Port-Au-Prince and the surrounding area.
What is going on in the world when this kind of destruction is damaging our way of life? Throughout the days and night buildings and stone strap the beautiful people of Haiti but didn't damage their soul or spirit.
The Haitian people immediately started looking for their family members despite the damage, lost of life, and injuries that were sustain.
The news outlet were on alert and started to dispense network professionals to cover this tragedy.
CNN rush to Haiti to cover the story but did they take emergency service members to help victims within the Haitian community while covering the destruction.
While watching on the local and national networks this horrific problem of destruction in Haiti where citizens live extremely under the poverty level we witness children naked in the streets and hurt extremely bad, and this made me and others cry.
I don't know why this earthquake hit but it's a problem that we all as a world need to dig in and help.
CNN's Dr.
Sanjay Gupta a CNN, Chief Medical Reporter took off his reporter's hat and started taken care of the people in Haiti.
One of the victims was a 15-month-old baby with petty curly hair and Dr.
Gupta took the time to care and keep this baby healthy from a head injury.
Approximately, 150 orphanages in Jacmel, Haiti was also trap in a building, but Mark Stewart; Director of the orphanage was there to get the children calm and was able to keep them together and safe.
There were some adult volunteers of orphanage hurt during the earthquake but they too were able to get out, even though some are still missing, hopefully they are not harmed.
The children were afraid but retreated quickly and were happy that they are together once again.
Child that are orphans rely on each other and when one is hurt they all feel the pain like family.
Stewart will help them adept and recovered while keeping them safe.
Many of these children are enjoying camping out now even with the problems that surround them, they are fine.
Even though the climate of the orphanages is troublesome Director Stewart feels that the children will be all right but he has encourage the authorities to move quickly to find temporary housing for them.
Youth non-profits organizations across the country should join together to help these youth now and in the future to replace the much needed materials.
The United States of America like many nations are financially deprived in a spiral down economy but, we are people of caring hearts and we will do what is needed to help the people of Haiti.
The people of Haiti was already living in a bubble crowded environment with a lack of resources, however, they always had faith before this destruction of their land, friends, and family.
Now the mission is to get the people help and free them from this painful ordeal that was induce on them by mother earth.
Christa Brelsford a graduate student from Arizona State University and her brother were some of the quake survivors that made it out, but Brelsford lose her foot when the building collapsed of her and her brother while running down the steps to get out.
Christa is now in the hospital getting great care because she has an outstanding health care plan, unlike most of the Haitian people in Haiti.
Horror in Haiti is just one of the problems that has rock the world, but we stand strong to battle the problems and help ensure that we get those out of the collapse buildings and pray for the people that are indeed worrying about there love ones.
Health care will be a priority for those that are traumatically injured and President Obama has step up his efforts to help the people of Haiti and we applaud his efforts because most of us remember what happen in New Orleans "Katrina".
The problems in New Orleans got stalled in helping the people of New Orleans, which are still suffering now in 2010.
But, President Obama has invested 100 millions dollar plus in money and aid to help the Haitian people where some of the first slaves were transported by boat into a system of slavery to built our economy in the United States America from the ground up.
We are happy with President Obama decision along with world leaders reacting to the people and hope that they get continue support even after the problem is settled in Haiti.
Political power houses Former President Bush Senior and Former President Clinton are joined together to combine there fundraising efforts to help the people of Haiti where former President Clinton spent much of his time during his presidency in helping the Haitian people as well as with his Clinton Global Initiative worldwide.
Often the politics of the world gets in the way of helping African descendants but this is not the case now and we as a nation are pride of the results.
On January 14, 2010 two days after the earthquake we have more than 5000 troops on the ground helping the Haitian people and securing Haiti incase of additional problems arose later.
Supporting the mission of this problem can be troublesome but we have hope, while the Haitian people tried to recovery we will be there.
Even after the people are safe and the area is secured we need to continue our efforts to make Haiti a place that we all can be proud of and help eliminate the poverty issues facing the people of Haiti.
We might not eliminate all the issues that plague this beautiful landscape and people, but we can try.