Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Use Kerosene to Burn Brush

    • 1). Contact your local fire department. Ask if you can burn brush in your area. Obtain a permit to burn, if necessary.

    • 2). Ask the fire department if it assists the public with burning brush. Sometimes a fire department provides this service as practice for its firefighters in executing controlled burns and putting out fires that get out of control.

    • 3). Check with your insurance company to see if it will cover any losses for burning brush on your own property in case a building or a neighbor's property is damaged.

    • 4). Rake the brush into a manageable pile and hose the ground around it with plenty of water in case embers travel. Wait to burn until the weather is calm, cool and humid.

    • 5). Sprinkle some kerosene in a small place near the bottom of the brush pile and light it immediately with a long match. Kerosene vapors will explode, but unlike gasoline, kerosene burns more slowly.

    • 6). Monitor the brushfire carefully. Equip several assistants with shovels and rakes in case the fire gets out of control.

    • 7). Verify that the fire and the coals are completely extinguished before leaving the area.

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