Health & Medical Parenting

Parenting Medical Reference

Parenting Medical Reference

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Medical ReferenceRelated to Health & Parenting

  1. Handling Unsolicited Parenting Advice

    For parents who get a lot of unwanted parenting advice from others, WebMD has tips to politely handle the situation.
  2. 5 Ways to Help Unfit Teens Get Moving

    WebMD gives you tips for getting your overweight teen to start moving.
  3. Establishing Good Sleep Habits

    WebMD explains what to expect during this time in baby’s life and how to set good sleep habits.
  4. Baby's First Checkup: What to Expect

    Find out from WebMD what to expect during your baby's first checkup: what your pediatrician will look for and questions you'll want to ask.
  5. When Parenting Styles Differ

    WebMD discusses how to work with your partner if you have different styles of parenting so that your child receives a consistent message.
  6. Baby's 18-Month Checkup: What to Expect

    Find out from WebMD what to expect during your toddler's 18-month checkup: what your pediatrician will look for and questions you'll want to ask.
  7. Sick Baby: When You Should Call the Pediatrician

    WebMD explains changes in your growing baby and signs that your baby needs to see a pediatrician.
  8. Baby's First Exam: What to Expect

    Find out from WebMD what to expect during your baby's first exam: what your pediatrician will look for and questions you'll want to ask.
  9. The Importance of Story Time

    WebMD explores the benefits of reading stories to your baby.
  10. Introducing Finger Foods

    WebMD explains which finger foods to offer to babies around 8 months of age and what other developmental milestones to look for.

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