Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Mass Routine - The Best Muscle Mass Routine For Success in the Weight Room

If you ask any fellow weight lifter about their muscle mass routine, chances are their answer will be not be very good.
People just don't know how to build muscle these days! This article will teach you the best muscle mass routine.
At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for building muscle mass, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of muscle in just 6 months.
Training To Failure In short, you need to train to failure to get the best results from your weight lifting.
Almost every effective muscle mass routine involves taking a few sets to the absolute limit.
Most of the guys preaching that you need to leave a rep or two in the tank on every set are pretty small and weak themselves.
Split Training Again to put it shortly, split training works, and full body training doesn't.
Of course this is a blanket statement that has exceptions, but everyone I've ever known to build a lot of muscle has used a split muscle mass routine.
This means they trained certain muscles on certain days, but never everything on one day.
The Program This muscle mass routine can be used by beginning, intermediate, and advanced lifters.
However, make sure you are ready to seriously eat and sleep to recover from all of the stress.
Day 1: Squat / Quads Squats Leg Press Hack Squat Machine Leg Curls Leg Extensions Day 2: Bench / Chest Bench Press Incline Bench Press Machine Bench Press Cable Flies Day 3: Upper Back Barbell Row Pull-ups Machine Rows Pull-downs Seated Cable Rows Day 4: Deadlift / Hamstrings Deadlift Lying Leg Curls Standing Leg Curls Seated Leg Curls Day 5: Shoulders Military Press Machine Overhead Press Dumbbell Side Raises Machine Side Raises Reverse Pec Dec Barbell Shrugs Day 6: Biceps / Triceps Close Grip Bench Press Dumbbell Curls Straight Bar Press-downs Hammer Curls Rope Press-downs Rope Hammer Curls V-bar Press-downs Cable Curls Alternate working abs and calves in addition to the main muscle of the day.

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