The Law of Success: An Overview of Napoleon Hill"s Lesson Two
Lesson Two in Napoleon Hill's book The Law of Success is entitled Self-Confidence.
Hill writes, "You have within you all the power you need with which to get whatever you want or need in this world, and about the best way to avail yourself of this power is to believe in yourself.
" He goes onto say that others will not believe in you until you first believe in yourself.
People feel the level of belief you have in yourself and that either attracts them or repels them.
Self-confidence is then a vital ingredient in success but should not be confused with egotism.
He advises not to tell the world what you can do but rather show it.
Hill provides a five-part Self-Confidence Formula.
First is to know that you have the ability to achieve your chief aim and so couple that belief with persistent, aggressive and continuous action towards obtaining it.
Second is to realize the power of your mind and dominate thoughts, which transform into physical reality.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to concentrate your thoughts on the person you intend to be by visualizing that person and turning that into reality with outward actions consistent with that image.
Third is to further understand that what you feed to your mind will eventually express itself in the outer world.
So Hill suggests devoting 10 minutes a day to study and development of these success principles.
Fourth is the writing down and mapping out a description your definite purpose in life for the next five years.
Write out your services and prices that will achieve that goal.
Fifth is to understand that all wealth and success is based on truth and justice.
Only engage in business and transactions that benefit all involved.
Serve others first in a spirit of co-operation eliminating hate, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism.
Grow a love for humanity and cultivate a positive attitude which will bring you further success.
Others will believe in you because you believe in them and yourself.
Lastly, Hill suggests you copy this formula on paper, sign it and read it aloud daily committing it to memory as it will assist you in becoming a successful and happy person in your chosen field.
If you are interested in applying the success formula, make time to implement the formula, most especially the fourth point of writing down your plan and pricing for the next 5 years before moving onto subsequent lessons.
Copy the formula in your own words on paper and read and recite daily as suggested by Napoleon Hill.
If you have not read the article overview of Lesson One, review that as well before moving forward to subsequent lessons.
Hill writes, "You have within you all the power you need with which to get whatever you want or need in this world, and about the best way to avail yourself of this power is to believe in yourself.
" He goes onto say that others will not believe in you until you first believe in yourself.
People feel the level of belief you have in yourself and that either attracts them or repels them.
Self-confidence is then a vital ingredient in success but should not be confused with egotism.
He advises not to tell the world what you can do but rather show it.
Hill provides a five-part Self-Confidence Formula.
First is to know that you have the ability to achieve your chief aim and so couple that belief with persistent, aggressive and continuous action towards obtaining it.
Second is to realize the power of your mind and dominate thoughts, which transform into physical reality.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to concentrate your thoughts on the person you intend to be by visualizing that person and turning that into reality with outward actions consistent with that image.
Third is to further understand that what you feed to your mind will eventually express itself in the outer world.
So Hill suggests devoting 10 minutes a day to study and development of these success principles.
Fourth is the writing down and mapping out a description your definite purpose in life for the next five years.
Write out your services and prices that will achieve that goal.
Fifth is to understand that all wealth and success is based on truth and justice.
Only engage in business and transactions that benefit all involved.
Serve others first in a spirit of co-operation eliminating hate, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism.
Grow a love for humanity and cultivate a positive attitude which will bring you further success.
Others will believe in you because you believe in them and yourself.
Lastly, Hill suggests you copy this formula on paper, sign it and read it aloud daily committing it to memory as it will assist you in becoming a successful and happy person in your chosen field.
If you are interested in applying the success formula, make time to implement the formula, most especially the fourth point of writing down your plan and pricing for the next 5 years before moving onto subsequent lessons.
Copy the formula in your own words on paper and read and recite daily as suggested by Napoleon Hill.
If you have not read the article overview of Lesson One, review that as well before moving forward to subsequent lessons.