Home & Garden Gardening

How to Care for a Esperanza Plant

    • 1). Test the soil before planting your esperanza plant. You can purchase a soil pH testing kit from a garden center or nursery. If the pH test does not reveal that your soil has a pH of 7.0 or above, you will need to amend before planting.

    • 2). Amend the soil with agricultural lime if the pH is below 7.0. Break up the soil using a garden fork to a depth of 8 to 10 inches, mixing in the agricultural lime afterward, according to manufacturer's instructions.

    • 3). Plant the esperanza in a hole that is twice the width of its root ball. The extra width will give the roots plenty of room for expansion during growth. The depth of the hole should be equal to the root ball, making sure that the leaves of the plant remain above the soil line after back filling.

    • 4). Provide the esperanza with plenty of water after planting. A soaker hose will deliver deep watering down to the roots of the plant. Maintain moist soil at a depth of 1 inch at all times, allowing the surface of the soil to dry out in between watering sessions.

    • 5). Feed the esperanza plant a diet of water-soluble fertilizer. Apply a 20-20-20 fertilizer to the soil around the plant, per package instructions. Keep in mind that in hot weather, the plant will require more water, which will increase the esperanza plant's need for fertilizer.

    • 6). Pinch off wilting blooms to promote additional growth. Spent blooms will produce seedpods that will exhaust the esperanza plant's energy. Removing these blooms before the seedpods develop allows the plant to focus its energies on foliage growth and additional blooms.

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