Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How do I Get Out of a Lease Early in Illinois?

    • 1). Review your lease agreement for any provisions related to early termination. Some leases provide specific procedures in case the tenant needs to end the lease early. Many of these provisions require additional notice and extra rent in order to terminate. It is very important you follow the steps set forth in the agreement.

    • 2). Negotiate with the landlord. Even if the lease agreement does not contain an early termination provision you can still ask your landlord if there is a way to end the lease early. Offer to pay an additional month's rent or to find a reliable replacement tenant. If the landlord agrees be sure to get the termination agreement in writing and signed by the landlord.

    • 3). Determine if you qualify for early termination under the Rental Property Utility Service Act. This Illinois law allows you to terminate a lease early if the utilities on the property are shut off because the landlord failed to pay for them. This is not an option if the lease requires you to pay the utilities.

    • 4). Check the Illinois Safe Homes Act. If you are a victim or in imminent danger of domestic abuse this Illinois law allows you to terminate your lease early. If your landlord takes you to court over the matter you will have to prove that you were a victim or were in imminent threat of domestic abuse.

    • 5). Provide the landlord notice that you are terminating your lease early due to military reassignment or deployment. Under the Service Member's Civil Relief Act a landlord is required to allow you to terminate your lease early if you are member of the armed forces and have been reassigned or deployed. You must still provide notice of the termination and a copy of your reassignment orders.

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