Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

The New York State Single Family Dwelling Minimum Laws

    Building Codes

    • Carbon monoxide detectors are required in any building with at least one sleeping area. The fire code requires a sprinkler system in all dwellings. All habitable spaces in the dwelling must have natural ventilation. All heating, plumbing and appliances must be built in compliance with the state Energy Conservation Construction Code.

    Building Permit

    • An application form for a building permit must be reviewed by the code enforcement department before work can begin on a single family residence. If work is being done for hire, applicants must provide proof of insurance to comply with worker's compensation laws. The form requires notice of water supply and wastewater removal sources.

    Health Department

    • Health department regulations, permits and inspections are also a part of the building and repair process. If municipal or county water service is not available, permits and inspections for well-digging must be secured. If it is not possible to attach to a local sewer system, permission to install a septic system must be gained. A permit and final inspection will occur before the home can be occupied. County and municipal laws may also apply.

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