Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Three Tips to Get Over a Break-Up

One of the worst parts about dating is the break-up.
I do have to admit breaking up is less painful than staying in a bad relationship in the long run.
But in the short-term, it really stinks.
Here are three steps you can take to help you get over your break-up.
These will help you to feel better as well as prepare you to attract your next partner.
  1. Take care of Yourself - This is so important to not only know how to do this, but that you follow through.
    Start by making a list of things that you like to do.
    Some can cost money, some can be free.
    Things like get a manicure, go for a hike, read a book, work out, play the piano or go dancing.
    Once you have pinpointed the things that you enjoy doing...
    GO DO THEM! By taking care of yourself two things happen.
    First of all you show that you don't NEED your ex to take care of you.
    This is very attractive for many ex's and they will actually take notice and may even want you back! The second thing, it feels good! It moves you into a positive space.
    This positive energy feels better to you and to the people around you - attracting more fun and happy people.
  2. Reconnect with friends - This is so important to not do the healing process alone.
    Call up your friends and hang out.
    Go to dinner or get a cup of coffee.
    When you are hanging out, don't dwell on the break-up.
    Talk and laugh about good things that are going on around you.
    Make a conscious effort to laugh, play and focus only on topics that are positive, like a new movie that is coming out that you might like to see, or the new dress you just bought.
    For guys, talk about your favorite sport teams or the latest and greatest car advances in cars.
  3. Give Gratitude - This one is VERY important.
    Take the time to write out a list of everything you are thankful for in your life.
    It can start with, I am thankful that I can see the beautiful flowers.
    I am thankful for my friends.
    I am thankful for my health.
    Even venture into what you are thankful for about your ex and the past relationship.
    For example, I am thankful that I got to experience someone who would open my doors for me, or I am thankful that I experienced a relationship where my partner would dance with me.
    You will soon find out that you have so many wonderful people, experiences and things in your life, it will be hard to stay in a place of pain for too long!
All of this is done to help you move through the pain of a break-up.
It will also help you to heal so you will be ready for your next relationship adventure.
With all of that said, don't be surprised if when you start to do this, you will notice a certain someone (your ex) taking a new notice to you.

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