Health & Medical Medicine


Typical symptoms of arthritis

Joint inflammation usually occurs in different ways, depending on the reason that it causes. Diseased joint is painful, swollen and is reduced - the main features of the early stages of arthritis. The pain comes from different sources - an inflammation of the joint synovial membrane, tendons and connections, muscle spasm and fatigue. There is an increase in body temperature, weight loss, malaise, fatigue, and complaints from other affected organs (lung, heart, eyes, etc.)..

The combination of these factors, together with individual pain tolerance to determine the nature and severity of pain. Once you develop inflammation of the joints begin to damage. For example:

Infectious arthritis is observed relatively quickly redness, pain, swelling, usually affecting one joint, the worse and the general condition of the body;

rheumatoid arthritis is usually reported numbing pain in the morning in the affected joints and in advanced stages observed deformation of joints and weakening of the muscles around them. Again, there is pain, swelling and warmth.

Arthritis can lead to deformity and destruction of cartilage, because of this disease untreated could become man in a wheel.

The most common forms of arthritis

Inflammation of the joints in the human body arises in the course of many diseases to be included in a large group of arthritis. Any one of the diseases in this group cause a different set of complaints is found and treated differently, but all of them in common is inflammation to varying degrees of one or more joints.

Infectious arthritis - joint inflammation occurs as a result of penetration of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi within the joint, these organisms can reach the joint and blood (from other outbreaks of infection in the body) or direct penetration ( in operation, piercing or intervention on joint injection).

rheumatoid arthritis - an inflammation of the joints due to an atypical response to the body's immune system to an unknown cause. So far not found a specific cause of this disease. But for Unfortunately, this disease occurs in children (in - often in girls), so it is very important for its early diagnosis.

gouty arthritis - due to a defect in the metabolism of certain substances (and food) in some joints accumulates a large amount of crystals of uric acid that causes inflammation occurring seizures.

reactive arthritis - there was no direct penetration of the infectious agent in the joint cavity. Body's immune system reacts to infection available, thereby prejudice and some joints (reason still unknown).

post-traumatic arthritis - arthritis after trauma, inflammation is caused by changes resulting from injury to the joint and surrounding structures.

arthritis wear - also known as "osteoarthritis" in English and American literature and in our country is known as "arthrosis", focuses on the changes in wear of joint structures. This disease is characteristic of older people, this decline coxarthrosis - affecting hips and gonarthrosis - affects knee joints.

Some forms of acute atrial flow, ie complaints appear briefly and then disappear as a result of treatment, while other chronic diseases occur most often attacks and asymptomatic periods. Much of arthritis that occur in disease changed "defense reaction" by the body's own immune system tend to affect the internal organs. How arthritis joint damage?

Regardless of the specific type of arthritis and the reason for its occurrence inside the joint inflammatory reaction develops. It is known that inflammation is a protective mechanism of the body. Certain immune cells located in blood and bone marrow, enter the joint and accumulate in the synovial membrane. These cells are different for different types of arthritis. In the inflamed synovial membrane to form a liquid that causes swelling and swelling of the joint. This inflammation causes a warming of the joints and tissues around it, increases the activity of all processes. Protective immune system cells release substances that irritate the receptors in the membrane and cause pain. Swelling and inflammation cause joint stiffness and tissue damage inside, resulting in weakened muscles.

How to prevent?

Prevention is possible for some types of arthritis. May be of benefit following measures:

vaccination against tuberculosis and hepatitis B;

timely treatment of all infections in the body;

practicing safe sex;

reduce obesity;

avoid extreme loads on the joint;

avoidance of trauma and the use of protectors in practice some sports;

regular screening of people with genetic predisposition.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that regular exercise and sports, combined with healthy eating since childhood, would not only protect us from arthritis, but many other insidious disease.

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